It’s now officially the fault of you sloppy people. The machine recount in Florida Senate District 37 was completed Wednesday afternoon and Republican Ileana Garcia, a Latinas for Trump founder, still leads incumbent Democrat Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez — by a scant 28 votes. The gap only shrunk by 3 ballots from the 31-vote difference […]
Former Coral Gables Mayor Don Slesnick — a Vietnam veteran, onetime U.S. Army advisor to NATO forces in Germany, and, most recently, Army Reserve Ambassador for Florida — was inducted into the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame Wednesday as we celebrated Veterans Day. It’s extra special, he said, because the recognition honors military vets who, […]
Dear Marquito, it’s over. This may come as a shock, but we’re through. And it’s not me. It’s you. Sorry (not sorry) but you are just not the man I thought you were. In four short years, you’ve gone from being fiercely independent and #NeverTrump because you knew he was a fraud to helping him defraud […]
A long and complicated item on the Coral Gables Commission agenda for Tuesday has some residents worried that the city is trying to sneak some zoning changes in only two weeks after a controversial move to increase heights on Miracle Mile was temporarily stalled. But Vice Mayor Vince Lago and Commissioner Pat Keon both assured […]
While Democrats across Florida and Miami-Dade in particular are still wringing their hands and pointing their fingers at the disastrous Tuesday that ended in big state and congressional losses for South Florida, local Republicans are still grinning ear to ear and patting themselves on the back. Sure, they lost the presidential race in Miami-Dade, but […]
There are already seven Coral Gables residents who have expressed an interest and willingness to run for one of the two commission seats that are up for grabs next April. Both Commissioners Pat Keon and Vince Lago have said that they are going to run for the mayor’s seat, being vacated by Raul Valdes-Fauli. They […]
Updated: That fight over development on Miracle Mile at the last Coral Gables Commission meeting between Commissioner Pat Keon and Vice Mayor Vince Lago was just a preview of the mayoral race to unfold over the next few months in the City Beautiful. Keon told Ladra Monday that she was, indeed, going to run for […]
President Donald Trump could learn a thing or two from former State Rep. Cindy Polo about conceding a race with grace and style. The freshman, Colombian-American legislator lost her re-election Tuesday to Broward insurance lawyer and former Miramar Planning and Zoning Board member Tom Fabricio, getting only 37% of the vote to his 63%. But […]
Stupid Democrats. They were so busy pushing unprecedented resources to get a blue, progressive, Miami-Dade mayor — dipping into other nonpartisan races, like county commission and school board contests — that they lost sight of the ball and gave up two key congressional seats, possibly a key state senate incumbent and at least two Florida […]
But officials should review shady third plantidate, too The razor thin margin between Democrat Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez and his Republican challenger, Latinas for Trump Founder Ileana Garcia, grew to 31 votes between early Wednesday morning, when it was 21, and Friday, when state officials scheduled a recount that will begin Sunday. The gap hit […]