But Peter Iglesias has not resigned or been fired — yet
It’s no secret that Coral Gables City Commissioner Ariel Fernandez is not happy with City Manager Peter Iglesias. He already tried to fire him once, and failed. Then they got into that nasty public fight on the dais at the last commission meeting.
Now, Fernandez has proposed replacing Iglesias with Assistant City Manager Alberto Parjus.
Nevermind that Iglesias is still very firmly seated in his chair in his office at City Hall.
Fernandez, elected last year by reformminded residents, campaigned on replacing the manager and moved to fire him in his very first meeting after being sworn in. The motion lost 3-2 after only the other reform-elected candidate, Melissa Castro, supported him. Fernandez already wants to revisit the issue and has put the item on the agenda for next week’s meeting.
“Our Coral Gables Charter dictates that the direction of the city is decided on by the City’s Commission, the elected body we equally make up, and enacted by a City Manager, who’s role is to follow the directives of the City Commission,” he said in a memo to commissioners written Monday.
“At our last City Commission meeting, City Manager Peter J. Iglesias’ stated, ‘as far as I’m concerned, this is not going to happen. If the commission wishes for that to happen, the commission can go ahead and do it.’ This was a direct and public insubordination of this body which has raised much concern for residents about the Manager’s willingness to address their needs and concerns,” Fernandez said.
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“It has become clear during the last few months, and more so following this incident, that the time has come to remove and replace the City Manager with a new City Manager who will faithfully follow the directives of this Commission and the residents we represent.”

He said Parjus — a former deputy director of Miami-Dade’s Department of Transportation and Public Works — can assume the position immediate and ensure a stable transition. Parjus, who has overseen a budget four times the size of the city’s, also worked in human resources, budget and community action at the county and also as an assistant city manager in Miami.
Since joining Coral Gables just under two years ago, Parjus has been overseeing Community Recreation, Economic Development, Historic and Cultural Resources, Parking, and Public Works.
“Parjus’ knowledge and experience present this Commission with an opportunity to promote an extremely qualified candidate from within,” Fernandez wrote.
The agenda item is set for 10 a.m. time certain, indicating that Fernandez expects (read: has lined up) speakers on the subject.
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This would be the second time Fernandez tries to fire Iglesias, who did not return a call to his office. But since the first failed attempt, Commissioner Kirk Menendez has been more open to the reform-minded pair’s views — even moving to censure Mayor Vince Lago at one meeting — and could be convinced that the relationship is strained beyond repair and this is the only way to move the city forward.
“Last time I brought this up, my colleagues said there had to be cause,” Fernandez told Ladra Monday afternoon, citing the conflict over the Fritz & Franz lease as the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“He said he wasn’t going to do it and I’m still trying to find out what’s happened since,” Fernandez said, adding that, apparently, Iglesias is having no involvement and leaving it to staff.

“There is a pattern that has been growing the last few months. The lack of responsiveness. The reasons that I intended to remove him early on have not really changed,” the commissioner told Political Cortadito. “Now, I’m giving my colleagues an option which is a very viable option, someone who has more experience than Peter, someone who is more than capable.”
Parjus, who could not be reached for comment (but what’s he going to say anyway? Iglesias is still his boss), is Fernandez’s point of contact at the city manager’s office.
Read related: Coral Gables manager Peter Iglesias beats ouster attempt by commissioner
“He is not communicating with me,” he said of Iglesias.
“The manager’s role is to follow the direction of the commission. I don’t think he’s been doing that for a while,” Fernandez said, using the delay on the Burger Bob’s redevelopment as an example. “Why wasn’t he doing what the commission had instructed him to do for three years?”
Fernandez would not speculate as to whether Menendez would be supportive or not. But he did suggest the residents would support a replacement in manager.
“We’re all getting pressure from the community to make a change,” Fernandez said, adding that people have approached him at different locations throughout the city. “And they’re all saying that if the manager has no interest in following the direction of the commission, it’s time for a change.”
2/5/2024 Coral Gables memo – City Manager Succession by Political Cortadito on Scribd