Congresswoman “La Reina” IRL runs her own show

Congresswoman “La Reina” IRL runs her own show
  • Sumo

You gotta love how Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen takes charge.

Congresswoman Ileana "La Reina" Ros-Lehtinen held court over the audience at the reception hosted by NALEO Wednesday.

Ladra is going to call her La Reina from now on. Not only because, as the first Hispanic woman elected to the U.S. House, she is political royalty.

Not only because it gives me a quick fix at my alliteration addiction.

But also because she rules like a queen.

IRL, as the acronym-minded refer to her, arrived early and sans entourage — unless you count her aging aunt — to a reception Wednesday at the Biltmore, hosted by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. The organization’s president, Arturo Vargas, flew in from Los Angeles for the Coral Gables event.

La Reina immediately went into kissy-hola mode and started directing photo traffic like a director on steroids.

“Take off the nametags,” she told some elected officials after she graciously called them all on stage for a group photo op.

No, it wasn't "Off with their heads." It was "Off with your nametags."

And boy were there a bunch of ’em. The group included NALEO bigwigs like Miami-Dade Commissioner and  former State Rep. Juan Zapata and Aventura Vice Mayor Luz Weinberg. They also included Congressman Joe Garcia, Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi, Miami Lakes Councilmen Tim Daubert, Tony Lama and Nelson Hernandez, Hialeah Councilman Paul “Pablitiquito” Hernandez and Judge Jorge Rodriguez Chomat, who recently made headlines after jailing a young woman who flipped him off in court.

They also included former Congressman Lincoln-Diaz Balart, who made some remarks about his old colleague and dear friend, and also scolded Garcia for talking during his opening remarks.

“I’m scared to avert my eyes,” the congressman later told Ladra, who was also afraid to say a word.

After all, if IRL is the queen, Lincoln is the king.

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