Vivian ‘I’ll Notarize That’ is pushed to run for mayor

Vivian ‘I’ll Notarize That’ is pushed to run for mayor
  • Sumo

Only Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez and Council Vice President Luis Gonzalez have filed to run for re-election this year so far, but Ladra is not the only one hoping for someone to challenge the mayor.

The Hialeah AB gang: State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez, State Sen. Rene Garcia, Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz and Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo.

Councilwoman Vivian “I’ll Notarize That!” Casals-Muñoz, who has been rumored to have eyes on the mayor’s office for more than a year, is being encouraged to run against her one-time ally, Castro.

In fact, there is now a facebook page, created Tuesday, to “draft” her into the contest (read: Viv probably did it herself to feel the public out). Ladra is one of the 33 friends as of Wednesday morning.

“This page was created to encourage Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz to run in the November Mayoral election against current mayor Carlos Hernandez,” says the first post on the page, which came as a wonderful surprise to Ladra and other Castro critics.

La Vivian practicing her future role?

While Viv is still a crook, or half crook, in my eyes — who turned the other way if she was not actively involved in the Julio Robaina loansharking business, and notarized quite a few of his questionable documents (which, by the way, I hear are still being reviewed by a Grand Jury) — Ladra is still ABC. Casals-Muñoz is the least of the crooks and inept yet useful fools up there. And, truth be told, she is as independent as they come on the Seguro Que Yes Council.

“Vivian is the only independent voice who truly represents the best interest of the residents of Hialeah,” the first post on her page says.

“She is the only canidate that has what it takes to bring real progress to this wonderful city. Please show you’re support by liking this page. Vivian 2013,” the post ends with not one, but six exclamation points.

A future mayoral contender flanked by former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina on one side and U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart on the other.

The page also has photos of La Vivian with some political clout carriers like U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, State Sen. Rene Garcia (her patron, who might also be behind the facebook draft page), State Rep. Eddy “Here Comes Hialeah” Gonzalez — who may become a rival — Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban “El Bobo” Bovo and former Hialeah Mayor, her kin, Julio Robaina. (Note to candidate: Distance yourself from the latter two. At least.).

Can you see Council President Isis “Gavelgirl” Garcia Martinez — who has reportedly become La Vivian’s nemesis — just taking it out on her poor, little, abused hammer? I can. And it is a beautiful sight.

Casals-Muñoz has gotten into the nasty habit of not returning my calls so Ladra can’t tell you if she says she is going to run or not. She probably would have hemmed and hawed anyway, saying that others have pushed her to go for it but that she is “happy serving as a councilwoman.”

Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz and Hialeah Mayor Carlos "Castro" Hernandez smile for the camera. Crocodile smiles.

But she would give Castro a run for his maquinita money. Castro is vulnerable and Casals-Muñoz had, at least in 2011, the highest favorables and name recognition of any Hialeah elected. Her political stock, however, might not hold for long — seeing as how it is mired in last year’s absentee ballot fraud scandal. It is now or never for her. Unless her brother-in-law, the former mayor, is finally indicted on something. That could hurt her chances. Maybe she’s waiting to see.

With former State Sen. Rudy Garcia

While I have had my issues with her rubberstamping every no-bid contract the mayor brought up and the attack on firefighters last year, Ladra may have to support Viv in her signature pink if nobody else throws their hat in the ring.

What choice do we have? “Here Comes Hialeah” Gonzalez? Gonzalez, who was also tainted with the AB fiasco, is termed out and is expected to run for mayor — as he has threatened several times — in the city where he started as a councilman. He has no place else to go. But I could not reach him to ask Wednesday morning.

And while I have my issues with him, too — basically his part in the AB operation to help his puppet, State Rep. Manny Diaz, Jr., get elected — I may end up having to support him. Imagine that.

Because Ladra is still ABC. Heck, Ladra is probably forever ABC.

Vivian Casals-Munoz
With former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez.

I truly believe La Vivian does not support Castro, no matter how many times she smiles next to him in front of the camera.

Ladra still remembers the long days of early voting at JFK library and how much time Viv spent with, first, former State Sen. Rudy Garcia and later, former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez — both running against her colleague Castro, who she did not spend much time with and who had actually sought another candidate, gundealer “Phony” Tony Vega, to run on his slate against her.

Word is, she was secretly working and praying against him.

Maybe it won’t be so secret this time.

Martinez, for his part, confirmed he was not seeking another run at the mayor’s office this year.

“I got it out of my system,” Martinez told Ladra Wednesday. More like it was beaten out of his system.

But, then again, 17 of the precincts in Hialeah went to President Barack Obama in November, showing that perhaps Democrats are not pariahs in the City of Retrogress anymore.

“In politics, you never say never,” Martinez quipped.