Pat Keon must be desperate. She must have seen the same poll numbers that many insiders have on the Coral Gables mayoral race, where Vice Mayor Vince Lago beats her by a very comfortable double digits.
Because, this week, she has doubled down on the negative and ludicrous attacks on Lago as a developer’s dreamboat when the truth is quite the opposite. Images of Lago as a puppet or a fox in a henhouse are not only disingenuous but also just plain lies.
Vince Lago has voted consistently against developers for most of his eight years on the commission. For those same years, because they were elected the first time together, Keon has been the real development darling. She has spent eight years rolling out the red carpet for developers.
In fact, Ladra can’t remember one single development that Pat Keon voted against. If she had, trust me, voters would know about it. But no. She voted in favor of Gables Station, the Agave project, the parking garages on Andalusia and the doubling of density in North Gables. She is the champion for Stephen Bittel‘s dream to build a seven-story hotel on Miracle Mile.
Lago was the only no vote to the upzoning of Miracle Mile just last week. That means Keon voted yes. Who’s the developers’ puppet?
Read related: Pat Keon hits Vince Lago with dark money lies in Coral Gables mayoral race
According to documents filed with the city, Keon registered to seek contributions to a political action committee called South Florida Accountability Project, which has collected $56,000 since the beginning of the year, including — ironically — $5,000 from Biltmore Parc Homes, a development of 32 condos on Valencia Avenue and more than $16,000 from other real estate interests.
There’s also $6,000 from lobbyist and general government grifter Ralph Garcia-Toledo and $17,500 from another PAC, Direct Action Fund, which has collected almost $400,000 since September, including $110K from a real estate investment firm and $165K from Florida Prosperity Fund, another PAC funded by HCA, the single largest for-profit healthcare provider founded by Sen. Rick Scott, Big Sugar and energy interests.
This is los pájaros tirándole a la escopeta.

They aren’t the ones who sent the mailers, though. The mailers are sent by Floridians Against Career Politicians, a PAC run by the same two Broward personal injury attorneys who really just run PACs for others and hide the real source of the money. By having more than 50 PACS between them, Jason Blank and Jason Haber can transfer funds from one to the other — or even just deposit equal contributions from sources in opposite PACs — so it’s impossible to clearly identify the original source of the contributions.
But it’s by or on behalf of Pat Keon. Guaranteed. Because there’s no way that Jackson “Rip” Holmes can even afford this.
Maybe Pat’s just pissed that developers aren’t giving her as much money. Because Lago is getting more. But there are two good reasons for that.
The first is that she is going to lose. It’s a waste of money and also risks the goodwill of future Mayor Vince Lago to give her any contributions. That’s why she “loaned” herself $100,000. Everyone knows she can afford it, but why? And doesn’t it show she doesn’t have any real support, other than the dark money behind the PACs (read: developers)?
The second reason, and this is important, is because Lago is a straight shooter. He returns everyone’s calls and emails. Even developers. Even lobbyists. And he tells them truthfully, point blank why he can’t support their project. He doesn’t dance with them. This is gold! These people are used to being lied to all the time by two-stepping elected officials. With Lago, developers and lobbyists know that (a) their time is better spent trying to sway the other four votes or (b) they can make the changes that would get Lago’s support. People pay big money for this kind of foresight.

Even if Lago isn’t with them, everyone knows exactly where he stands. He is aggressively transparent about everything. His response, which will land in mailboxes Thursday, is published by his own PAC. He doesn’t hide behind anonymity and Broward political guns for hire.
Read related: Vince Lago raises more funds than Pat Keon in Coral Gables mayoral race
What do we know about Keon? Really know?
We know she votes in favor of developers. We know she condescends constituents and, now, insults their intelligence. We know she hides her attacks behind a third party that she says she has nothing to do with. By not disclosing the source of the funding of these attacks, we also know that Keon is intentionally hiding who supports her.
Wanna bet it’s developers? But not for the same reasons. That’s important.
If Pat Keon is so sneaky about who is funding her campaign, how can Coral Gables residents trust her to be transparent about city business? They can’t.
Ladra predicts voters will see right through this preposterous smear as the desperate actions of a losing candidate, a politician grasping at straws. They will recognize someone who would fool and misguide them for power.
That’s one of the reasons why Pat Keon is losing this election.