Postage issue on ABs just a smokescreen

Postage issue on ABs just a smokescreen
  • Sumo
Stevie "el Bobo" Bovo and another boletera lover, State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez, who Ladra hears is the third person that took that pan con bistec (read: money) to Deisy Cabrera the night after she was stopped by the cops with the 31 ABs.

Man, what I wouldn’t give to be at the Miami-Dade County Commission meeting today when Commissioner Esteban “Stevie el Bobo” Bovo proposes — again — that the way to curb absentee ballot fraud is by having pre-paid postage on the ballots themselves so people can put them in the mail.

Just who does he think he’s kidding?

Not me. And not Commissioner Barbara Jordan, who blocked the idea two weeks ago so she could think about it. Jordan is right on the money when she says this will do not really make a dent in the rampant AB fraud that is going on in this county.

“It’s all about going and making connections, building relationships where they’re going to nursing homes, going into senior centers,” Jordan told the Miami Herald in an interview. “How is providing a stamp going to prevent that? I just don’t see it.”

Neither do I, Barb. She is stating the obvious.
Pre-paid postage will not stop campaign boleteras from calling people to get them to first request the absentee ballot to begin with and then call them back from their expanded data base when it comes so they can “help” you fill it out and take it for you. So kind of them.
Pre-paid postage does not mean that boleteros won’t take them from the mailbox — we all know they sometimes do — and toss them if they know that those ABs are not for their candidate.
Pre-paid postage won’t stop boleteras and ALF administrators working in cahoots with them from filling out the ballots for voters who don’t even know they are voting.
Just like the proposals thrown out there by Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi and one of the worst AB offenders, Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez, this is a smokescreen tactic now proposed by the very county commissioner most involved in these illegal and unethical absentee ballot operations.
Ladra can’t be at the meeting today. But will someone ask Bovo a question for me? Why did he pay Anamary Pedrosa — you know, the secretary from his district office caught delivering 164 ballots to a mailbox — $2,000 in last year’s recall campaign? Why did he pay $50,000 to Absentee Ballot Queen Sasha Tirador for 4 weeks of “grassroots” efforts in a race against nobodies?
Both “el Bobo” and our “not so Golden Boy” Mayor Carlos Gimenez — who has said he will make the pre-paid postage an administrative decision — know that this will not really curb AB fraud. But they don’t really want to stop it.
They just want to look like they do.
Don’t be fooled, folks.