Carlos Curbelo’s latest excuse: The wicked ‘glitch’ did it

Carlos Curbelo’s latest excuse: The wicked ‘glitch’ did it
  • Sumo

Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo seems to have an excuse for everything.

He hides his lobbying firm under his wife’s name, joecarlosgiving him a legal (if illegitimate) out from having to disclose his client list, and he whines about how he had to transfer his company to Cecilia Curbelo after he went to work for Sen. George LeMieux — a claim that has never been verified. He thinks that even though he left the Senate office, ran for elected office and has served on the school board for four years, avoiding the disclosure of any clients, that’s still valid.

Read related story: Carlos Curbelo hides lobbying client list under wife’s name

Then, he complains that his words were taken out of context when he told a group of Young Republicans at George Washington University that social security and medicare were a Ponzi scheme and that he would limit benefits according to life expectancy for the “last 10 years, or last 12 years.”

Now he wants us to believe that a $93,000 omission on his campaign report was because of some sort of software glitch. How convenient. Because the neither the contributions nor their source — 40 political action committees — was made public until the resubmitted report was filed Wednesday — with less than a week to go and after more than 70,000 people had already voted.

Really? Really? A ‘glitch’ in the software? Doesn’t every campaigncurbelo, hernandez have the same software? And doesn’t anyone on your campaign — you might wanna do it yourself even — have to review the report before it gets signed and sent? Doesn’t somebody have to swear the information is accurate?

The glitch omission story was first reported by the Broward Bulldog and it indicates that the campaign went with speed rather than accuracy. Curbelo spokesman Wadi Gaitan‘s comment sorta not only confirms that, but also shows a complete disregard for any concern about filing the correct information late.

Read related story: More GOP votes = Carlos Curbelo could be up on Joe Garcia

“Our campaign takes satisfaction in the fact that we have always adhered to the law – from following election regulations to meeting FEC deadlines,” Gaitan was quoted as saying. “When needed we have amended our reports, as allowed by the FEC, to correct any filing inaccuracies.”

Seems like another lame excuse from the Crybaby, who could very well snatch a Congressional seat from Democrat U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia if the voter turnout demographic trend we’ve seen so far this Republican year continue. But they seized on Curbelo’s most recent faux pas quickly.

There’s more. Please press this “continue reading” button to “turn the page.”

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