A shark and a watchdog, together

  • Sumo

This space is brought to you by Javier Manjarres, author of the Shark Tank blog, who wrote about Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his victory (and gave Ladra a very nice and welcome plug at the end).

He talks about how Julio Robaina did not really do that well in the primary, considering how much he spent and the huge lead in absentee ballots (that all but vanished Tuesday and paved the way for a Gimenez win).

My favorite part of the post by Javier (who was kind enough to pose for a few photos with the new fellow blogger): “The result is no doubt a surprise, and for those who believe that establishment support is the be all end all, I say take heed of the fact that any increasingly informed and savvy educated electorate will ultimately decide on their own who will represent them best – regardless of marketing, establishment support, and endorsements.”

Second favorite part: “Special hat tip to Ladra at the Political Cortadito for covering the Mayor’s race.”

Read it all at http://shark-tank.net/2011/06/29/16527/#more-16527 , which should be bookmarked by anyone who wants to stay on top of our local delegates in the state and national arena.

Thanks, Javi. Hope I stay on your good side when Ladra plays on partisan fields, my friend.