Mayoral Robaina tops $1.2 mil

  • Sumo

The latest campaign finance report filed by mayoral candidate Julio Robaina, whose resigns as Hialeah mayor today, has topped the $1.2 million mark.

And that does not include the monies donated to two PACs run by his friends and supporters.

That means he collected another $442,000 in donations. Even if all of them were the maximuj $500 (and we suspect almost all of them are), that would be an additional 884 checks or so.

Ladra has not had time this morning to pore through the list and find out how many more of those are bundled contributions (coming from multiple businesses or family members of the same person) and tens of thousands (or hundreds, perhaps?) for Robaina’s mayoral campaign come from special interests like the mafia behind the maquinitas industry or business partners with properties near the proposed reverse osmosis water plant that he is so supportive of.

Maybe that is why it was filed late, so that people don’t have time to fully digest it before Tuesday’s vote.

Ladra will take a long look at it later, with many cups of coffee. But it shouldn’t matter. There are enough questions about this guy already and, coupled with the big money pouring into his coffers, there is reason to be wary.