It’s starting early this year: The parade of political endorsements that precede every election.
Sometimes, they seem somewhat counterproductive to me. I mean, who would want the Latin Builders Association’s nod. Doesn’t that just reek of special interest? Or is it just Ladra?
Of course, it is good to know who is supported by the unions, too, and the healthcare PACs and the insurance giants and the gaming industry.
This just tells us something about our candidates, right?

Case in point: The Associated Builders and Contractors Tuesday endorsed Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo in his bid for Congress against U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia.
But of course they would. After initially voting against the bond issue, Curbelo voted to put the $1.2 billion question on the ballot, which voters passed in 2012 and basically provides builders and contractors with a new trough to feed from for “new and improved” schools and/or cafeterias.
At least they are honest about that.
“It was critical for me that we endorse a candidate who understands the issues we face as an industry and as business owners. In the past few years we have seen many new regulations out of Washington that interfere with our ability to compete for work, hire employees, and strengthen our companies overall, said George Cuesta who is a small business owner, a resident of Florida’s 26th Congressional District, and Chairman of the Board for the Florida East Coast chapter of ABC, which represents 22,000 members from more than 19,000 construction and industry-related firms.
“We are looking to support those who understand the issues we face and who can help us rebuild,” Cuesta said.
And, apparently, they think that person is Curbelo. And they made that decision after carefully discussing these important issues with all four candidates in the Republican primary, right?
Um, wrong. Apparently, they only talked to Curbelo.

While ABC President and CEO Peter Dyga said in a statement that the organization “takes our candidate screening and endorsement process very seriously,” neither Cutler Bay Mayor Ed MacDougall nor former Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez were interviewed. Or contacted. Or, Ladra will guess, even considered.
Okay, Ladra will admit, I sorta do the same thing with, what are their names again? Mr. Starbuck’s and that other guy? Haven’t really given them much attention in this race, have I? But they are not really on the radar, are they?
It’s different with the other two.
“We look to identify those candidates who are unequivocally and unapologetically champions of free enterprise and competition. Our economy and our industry do better when businesses are allowed to start-up, to grow, to hire and to support their local economy,” Dyga said in a written statement.
Guess it matters not that all three of these Republican frontrunners are cheerleaders for that familiar GOP chant.
“I was never contacted by them,” Martinez told Ladra. “Let ’em know there are other candidates in it, will ya?”
“They have not contacted me either,” MacDougall told me. “I’ve had no contact with them at all.”
Both of them say they haven’t received any questionnaires or requests for screenings from any other groups yet. “I’m guessing it’s too early,” Martinez said.
Which is another reason why this endorsement seems, well, a little artificial, like it was fished for by the candidate and/or his campaign team. But, really, if they wanted to even keep a semblance of credibility they should have screened everyone and then given the endorsement to Curbelo anyway. If you’re going to fake an endorsement, at least fake the process.
Curbelo happily took the nod and didn’t ask why he got it, he said. “I have a good relationship with them for many years,” Curbelo told Ladra. “Any objective person could see why an organization like ABC would endorse me over Joe Garcia.
“And I can assume that they think that I am the most viable candidate and the one most chance to beat Joe Garcia,” Curbelo said, adding that I should ask ABC operatives why their process lacked inclusion.
Ladra left a message with Dyga but Cuesta, who owns Cuesta Construction, said the organization has a history with Curbelo and endorsed him before in his School Board race.
“We know his position,” Cuesta told me. “We met with Joe in Washington and we know where he stands, too.”
Carol Bowen, ABC Florida East Coast Chapter vice president of government affairs, told Ladra that the group had, indeed, considered other candidates — early on, when it was rumored that State Reps. Frank Artiles (R-Country Walk) or Jose Felix “One More Pepe” Diaz (R-Kendall) might be in the race.
“We have a good relationship with all three of them,” Bowen said. “But once it was established that they were out of the race, Carlos came for it. He interviewed with our national organization and spoke with our local chapter.”
This was last fall, she said, even though the announcement is being made now.
“At that point, there was nobody else jumping in. We have a wonderful existing relationship with Carlos,” Bowen said. “There didn’t seem to be a need to speak to anybody else.”
Curbelo used the endorsement announcement to beat his chest about how he supports free markets and take a jab at Democrats.
“President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Garcia have saddled our country with debt and burdened the American people with harmful policies such as Obamacare. America needs a fiscally responsible government that supports those who are seeking and creating opportunities,” Curbelo said.
Like the bond — which raises taxes by an average of $27 per $100,000 of assessed property value — is creating opportunities for the 22,000 members of the Associated Builders and Contractors.
Come to think of it, this endorsement looks, feels and smells like a created opportunity to me.