‘Tis the season — for a barrage of emails wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
You think your inbox is getting heavy? It would be worse if you were a county employee.
Every holiday — and not just Thanksgiving and Christmas, here, but we are talking Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Martin Luther King Day and soon, I bet, even Groundhog’s Day — our Miami-Dade Commissioners send out emails to all the county staffers wishing them the best whatever whatever.
But I have news for the electeds: Many of the employees see right through ya.
One of them calls it “the incumbency protection program,” adding that there seems to be an understanding among the commissioners, who rotate on who gets to say Happy Whatever first.
“Because then they come in one after the other. Like Chinese water torture,” the employee said.
And I know some people are going to call me a scrooge, but it isn’t about “spreading good cheer” no matter what the commissioners will say. It is about spreading their name recognition.

Just like the turkey giveaways, where the poor people of this town are made to parade in parks and parking lots to get a free turkey from one of these electeds. Wouldn’t it be more dignified to let them get it without all the cameras? Of course it would. But then commissioners wouldn’t get to these great photo ops that you might see later in a campaign near you.
But back to the emails. Think about it. You got a captive audience of 25,000 people or so, most of whom are likely voters. County staffers tell me that not all 25,577 municipal employees have email, but at least 23,150 do — and that’s not counting aviation which was too busy Wednesday to go fetch an answer for me. And you are hitting them — oh, 10 or 12 times a year — with consistent positive nonsense messages that give your name a little more ooomph.
It’s got the value of hitting a base of 25,000 voters on an election year with a Happy Fourth of July postcard. Except it doesn’t need a political disclaimer.
Because technically, there is nothing illegal or unethical about it. It’s seen like the boss sending a greeting card to the troops.
“There is no ethical prohibition that would disallow the practice of County officials sending appropriate holiday greetings to employees,” said Joe Centorino, chief of the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust. “I get them on every holiday.”
While he doesn’t really mind, several employees who talked to Ladra seem to differ. It clogs up their already busy inboxes, they say, and insults their intelligence. “It’s an abuse of the county email system,” said one employee, noting that most county staffers are not allowed to use the “send all” button.
And it smacks of self-service. That’s the word former Miami-Dade Commissioner Katy Sorenson used when she confirmed to Ladra that she had never sent out holiday greetings en masse.
“I figured people get enough emails,” Sorenson said. “It always did think it seemed self-serving. That’s why I didn’t do it. It just didn’t seem like the right thing to do.”
A couple of employees noted that the emails are “sent on behalf of” the commissioners, which also takes staff time (read: money). And it makes it more obvious that the commissioners are not really “thinking of you this holiday season,” they say.
“It feels like a form letter,” one employee told Ladra. “I just delete them without reading any.”
Of those who read them, three mentioned that they found it a little strange to find religion in them, like in the message in Commissioner Javier Souto‘s Thanksgiving email. “It’s inappropriate,” one of them said.
Commissioner Mayor Sir Xavier Suarez had to quote someone famous, of course, and was the most long-winded, er, I mean wordy and intellectual (Commissioners Jean Monestime, Sally Heyman and Dennis Moss seem to be competing for shortest and sweetest. But Heyman really needs to start editing hers.
Suarez was happy with the way his turned out, but told Ladra Wednesday afternoon that he had never intended to clog up any inbox.
“I thought it was just posted to the website,” Suarez said. “If I had known it went out to everybody’s email, I might not have done it.
“I never thought of it as anything except wishing people a happy holiday. I didn’t think I was taking advantage.”
And I’m not saying you were. Well, yeah, maybe I am. But I think it’s just standard operating procedure around here.
Chairwoman Rebecca Sosa and Commissioner Audrey Edmonson are the only ones who use the opportunity to actually thank the staff on this day of gratitude, and that gives it a different spin maybe.
Here are the Commissioners Thanksgiving messages to employees:

Commissioner Barbara Jordan, District 1: “During this season of giving, let us humbly give of our time and our talents. Let’s break bread with our neighbors, help feed the poor and clothe the downtrodden. This is a time to share our blessings and celebrate the festive Thanksgiving holiday. While enjoying this special day, let’s remind our friends and family why we are truly thankful! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!”
Commissioner Jean Monestime, District 2: “On this Thanksgiving Day Holiday, may we be mindful of all that has been given to us and look for opportunities to give to others. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Commissioner Audrey Edmonson, District 3: “This is the time of year when we give thanks for the many good things life offers us. It is also my opportunity to say thank you to all the Miami-Dade County employees for working hard and giving their best every day so that our County government runs professionally in service to the public. Your contributions help improve the quality of life every day and I am grateful. My very best wishes to you and your loved ones on Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day and all its trimmings!”
Commissioner Sally Heyman, District 4: “Thanksgiving is not just about giving thanks for the turkey, but giving thanks for our family, friends and love ones. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!”

Chairwoman Rebecca Sosa, District 6: On this Thanksgiving, I would like to thank all of you for the excellence you deliver every single day. Your hard work makes this county a wonderful place to live and an example as to what can be accomplished when dedicated professionals work for the betterment of our community. May you and your loved ones have a happy and bountiful Thanksgiving!
Commissioner Xavier Suarez, District 7: “On this day, we pause to give thanks to the founding fathers for providing us this great land of opportunity. Please take time out of your special holiday to reflect on the blessings that we have all been given — our freedoms that we hold dear. As a nation, we have much to be grateful for — think about your own family and blessings. And most of all, remember those less fortunate than us, who do not have a stable home or job, and cannot enjoy a hot meal. Let’s use this special shared time with our family and friends as a time of renewal, and a call to action to be a blessing to someone else in need. Make a pledge to do something to positively impact the lives of those in need. To commemorate this occasion, I’d like to recall the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, with a quotation of his that is equally valid today, as it was then: ‘As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.’ John F. Kennedy.”

Commissioner Lynda Bell, District 8: “As we gather together during the upcoming Thanksgiving Day Holiday, let us all give thanks for the truly important things in life — the warmth of close friends and family, the gift of health and the blessings of our liberties. On behalf of myself, my family and my Commission staff, may you have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.”
Commissioner Dennis Moss, District 9: “On this Thanksgiving, may your home be filled with loving family, wonderful food and grateful hearts. Happy Thanksgiving!!!”
Commissioner Javier Souto, District 10: On this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for all that we have. We are fortunate and privileged to have our families and friends to celebrate this great holiday. The emphasis is not on giving or buying, but on being thankful and expressing that appreciation to God and one another. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!”
Commissioner Juan Zapata, District 11: It has been a year since I took office as County Commissioner, and I am humbled and I could not be prouder to have served and engaged my community these past twelve months. As we move forward into the Holiday Season and New Year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for the faith and support, the feedback and advice, and the chance to serve the community I grew up in. Together we will continue to highlight all the amazing features of our community. There’s no better time for me to express my gratitude than at Thanksgiving. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful time of celebration together, and I look forward to continuing to serve you.”

Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Disrict 12: “Wishing your home is filled with laughter and joy as you celebrate Thanksgiving with your loved ones. May this year’s tradition bring you happy memories for years to come.”
Commissioner Esteban Bovo, District 13: “As we enjoy our feasts on Thanksgiving Day, let’s give thanks for all of our blessings, small and large. My family, staff and I wish you and your families a safe and generous holiday filled with love and happiness.”
Wait. We’re missing someone. Looks like Commissioner Bruno Barreiro did not send out a press release. Was it a slip up? Or is he just the only one who thinks it might be abusive and non-productive at the same time?