Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago has a terrible track record with public safety

Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago has a terrible track record with public safety
  • Sumo

Police and firefighter unions endorse Kirk Menendez

It’s no surprise that both the Coral Gables Police and the Coral Gables Firefighters unions have endorsed Commissioner Kirk Menendez in his bid to become the next mayor in the April 8 election. Incumbent Mayor Vince Lago might want you to think that’s no big deal. But it’s only because he has always belittled and demeaned the city’s first responders.

He actually calls them “special interest groups.”

Yeah, they’re special. And their interest is protecting the lives and safety of Gables residents.

“As election season heats up, you may see some candidates bragging about endorsements from special interest groups — especially the police and fire unions,” Lago’s campaign handlers wrote in an email to residents paid for by his Coral Gables First political action committee. “But here’s what they won’t tell you: these endorsements weren’t made through a fair or transparent process.”

Lago complains that he wasn’t even invited to an interview by the police or fire unions. Would he have gone? (Editor’s note: No, because he was invited, according to the police union president.) He didn’t get a questionnaire either, Lago’s people whined. “Because he refuses to play politics with special interests. Instead of seeking union bosses’ approval, he’s seeking yours,” the email states.

Read related: “Boo hoo!” Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago melts down at police press event

“These endorsements don’t represent the hardworking men and women who protector city.They’re decided behind closed doors by a handful of union leaders — without input from the rank and file.”

Hmmm. That’s not entirely true. Lago was probably not invited or asked any questions because we all know how he stands on police and firefighters: He hates them. He has belittled them time and time again. He makes fun of them. He ridicules and chides then in public meetings.

Also, fyi, union “bosses” are elected by the union membership. They represent the rank and file just like Lago and the commissioners are voted into office to represent the residents. Ladra would be willing to bet real money that a great majority if not all the police officers in the city endorse Menendez. The street cops. The bicycle cops. The marine patrol. The paramedics that bring people back to life. The drivers of the fire trucks and rescue vehicles. Everyone.

He also complains that the unions are funding a “flood of attack ads and text messages.” But that’s like los pajaros tirandole a la escopeta. Lago is the one whose Gable First PAC has been funding negative attack texts and emails against not only Menendez, but also the two commissioners that beat his handpicked candidates last year and have created a new majority that doesn’t include him. There have been at least 14 emails so far since January. But he sent a dozen or so texts last year, even before the campaigning began.

The email from Lago’s PAC is so egregious that the police and fire unions felt the need to send out a joint statement “regarding campaign information” to set the record straight.

“Our firefighters and police officers work tirelessly to protect Coral Gables, offering highest in class service to its residents, but they can only do their jobs effectively when they have the proper resources, support and leadership in place. Unfortunately, years of neglect, underfunding, and staffing shortages have placed unnecessary strain on our public safety departments—jeopardizing the well-being of both first responders and residents,” the statement says, adding that Lago is the one misleading the public.

“While recent upgrades to fire stations and emergency services have been promoted by Mayor Lago as major feats of progress, the truth is these were not proactive investments. They were urgent repairs made necessary by long-standing neglect:

  • Fire Station 1 was in such poor condition that fire trucks had to park outside because the structure couldn’t support their weight.
  • The 911 call center flooded after heavy rains due to roof leaks.
  • Fire Station 2 posed serious health hazards, with firefighter bunker gear exposed to diesel exhaust—an alarming and well-documented cancer risk. A national firefighter safety expert was so concerned about the conditions that he raised the issue — only to be told not to return, seemingly to avoid embarrassment for the city.
  • Fire Station 3 had severe mold contamination, leading to documented respiratory issues among firefighters.

“These conditions should never have been allowed to reach such critical levels. They placed our first responders at unnecessary risk and compromised their ability to serve our community effectively,” the statement reads.

Read related: Coral Gables FOP blasts police chief, mayor about 37 vacancies, low morale

Just as concerning is the historic staffing shortages for both firefighter paramedics and police officers under Lago’s rule.

At one point, there were almost 40 vacancies at the police department, which strained response time. Ladra is pretty sure they are still short a bunch of officers,

Kirk Menendez at a promotional and oath taking ceremony earlier this year.

There are shortages in the fire department also. Coral Gables is the only city countywide that does not meet the National Fire Protection Association’s standard of 43 firefighters on duty per shift for a city this size.

“Staffing shortfalls have led to excessive workloads, longer response times, and increased burnout among our first responders — all of which make it harder to keep Coral Gables safe,” the joint statement reads.

It is well known that the mayor has not been a friend to the city’s police or firefighters. For years, they have fought for fair contracts and adequate funding but Lago has put up the biggest resistance. Despite knowing that the city was growing and needed to attract more police and firefighters, Lago refused to add funding for more personnel.

Firefighters were left without a contract for three years.

“Public safety should never be a secondary concern. If we want to ensure a safer future for Coral Gables, we must demand consistent investment in infrastructure, competitive pay for first responders, and leadership that prioritizes the safety of both residents and those who serve them,” the joint statement reads.

This is not the first time the Gables first responders are forced to come out with a statement to clear up Lago’s lies.

Read related: Coral Gables police, fire union: Lying Vince Lago is no pal of public safety

In another joint statement issued last year, the leadership at both unions called Lago a liar and raised concerns about his side gigs and ties to developer Rishi Kapoor, who was under investigation for bribing the mayor of Miami. The labor groups were responding to a letter Lago sent City Beautiful residents — or, more likely, just the voters — in which he claims to be a friend of first responders.

“In a recent letter sent to residents the portrayal of your support for public safety contrasts starkly with the reality we have faced — protracted struggles to secure fair contracts amid a turbulent climate of your personal business entanglements and alleged developer scandals,” it starts. It just gets worse from there.

So, no, Mayor Lago, you may not have been invited to an interview because you have consistently beat up on the first responders and then lied about it.

The people who work day in and day out to keep Coral Gables safe, who patrol your streets looking for suspicious behavior, who rush into your homes to see your life, they believe that Menendez would be a better mayor to lead the city into the future.

And no matter what Lago says, that’s not nothing.

Joint statement from the Coral Gables Police and Fire unions on campaign misinformation by Political Cortadito on Scribd