Recently suspended $2.5 billion bond is still an issue
A political action committee supporting Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid in his bid to become the next Miami-Dade Mayor has launched two new web videos blasting Daniella Levine Cava‘s track record and baptizing her with a new nickname.
“Disastrous Daniella passed Miami-Dade County’s largest budget and raised your taxes,” the man’s robotic voice says on the first video. “Then, she wanted 2.5 billion more of your tax dollars.
“And what have we gotten from Disastrous Daniella?”
The videos use headlines and news video footage to remind viewers of La Alcadesa’s biggest failures and disappointments, including traffic congestion, “disastrous changes to public transportation,” a “dysfunctional airport,” a “troubled solid waste department,” and a practically useless Animal Services division.
“Even our pets are suffering,” the voice-over states before video of Rita Schwartz from the Pets’ Trust protesting outside the Medley shelter last year when it was overrun with too many dogs living in deplorable conditions.

“She’s overpaid county employees,” the narrator says, listing her sins. “Daniella took trips to Qatar and Japan. Daniella tried to overpay for a building by millions of dollars and lost millions in a gas tax snafu.”
The second and third video paid for by the People’s Choice, the PAC pushing Cid’s attempt to unseat Levine Cava, these ads will likely soon be on a social media feed near you. Or in text messages. Like the first video posted in February about the $2.5 billion bomb, er, bond.
Read related: Manny Cid PAC hits Mayor Daniella Levine Cava on $2.5 billion bond
The big new thing is the nickname. Ladra loves alliteration. Oh, and the fact that she has backpedalled the $2.5 billion bond initiative she sprung on everybody at the State of the County Address earlier this year, saying she will save it for later and ask for even more in November, 2026.
“Over the course of the last 60 days, my team and I have had productive and thoughtful conversations on getting the job done with a commitment to a highly accountable and fiscally responsible plan,” she says in a video posted last week on the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Through these conversations with county commissioners, business leaders and residents, the need to put forward a transit plan was clear.”
Well, duh!
Translation: “My team and I saw the poll numbers and we definitely do not want to be on the same ballot with this unpopular new $2.5 billion tax proposal. Especially if there’s no Metrorail in it!”
She wants to get reelected and then raise everybody’s taxes with “an even bigger bond in 2026,” as the PAC video says, with the mayor’s own words warped to sound demonic when she says “expanded future ready 305 bond” — you know, like a vinyl record playing backwards — and the image of her with an arguably sinister smile turns from color to black and white.
Anyone can see that this promised bond referendum, even two years away, will continue to be campaign fodder in this mayoral race.
“We can’t afford ‘Disastrous Daniella’s’ tax increases and incompetent administration,” one of the videos ends.