All four candidates in the race to replace termed out Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber are expected to participate in a forum Monday sponsored by Miami Beach United, an influential activists organization.
Leading the pack are the two Michaels — former city commissioner Michael Góngora and former State Rep. Michael Grieco, also once a city commissioner, both of whom have been eyeing this seat for a while. Barring any October surprise, this should be the make-up of the run-off.
The other two candidates are Commissioner Steve Meiner, whose record on LGBTQ issues is not the best and who will capture the orthodox vote and former MTV executive Bill Roedy, a onetime ambassador for the United Nations’ anti-AIDS program and the only political newcomer in the race.
The first debate earlier this month, sponsored by SAVE, became a war of words between Grieco and Góngora, who started this election cycle with a bang.
Read related: Miami Beach mayoral Michaels race could be a real drag out, knock out show
Sneaky Grieco, a criminal defense attorney, secretly recorded a December meeting with Góngora where the latter bragged about financial support from developer Russell Galbut, probably in an effort to discourage him from running. The Miami Herald reported this in February.

Grieco used the recording to indicate that Góngora is in the pocket of developers and says contributions tied to Galbut are a violation of Miami Beach election rules. Góngora — endorsed by all three remaining Commissioners Laura Dominguez, Alex Fernandez and Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, as well as the Miami Beach Fraternal Order of Police — said the recording was illegal (it’s not because it was at a Lincoln Road restaurant) and reminded people about Grieco’s own fundraising violation in 2017, an action that killed his first run for mayor that year and landed him in court.
Michael Góngora will also be at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast the next day — so people have an opportunity for follow-up questions. It begins at 8:30 a.m. at Maison Valentine Cafe, 1112 – 15th St. It will also be streamed on Facebook Live. Viewers can ask questions in the comments in real time.
Grieco eventually pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge of violating campaign finance law and was sentenced to one year of probation, barred from holding elected office during that time, and ordered to pay a fine of $6,000.
Miami Beach United is a community-based 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization that provides residents an intelligent, consistent and powerful voice for city-wide issues that impact their quality of life. The board of directors and other MBU members have formulated questions for the forum
Candidates will gather for a meet and greet at 6 p.m. and the forum begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Miami Beach Woman’s Club, 2401 Pine Tree Drive. Complimentary parking available at Hebrew Academy, 2400 Pine Tree Drive, on the corner of 24th Street. Enter parking lot on the West side of Pine Tree.
The forum can also be seen on Zoom. Register here in advance.