If you can’t beat them at the polls, draw them out of your district.
That’s what’s happening in the city of Miami at today’s special meeting to redraw the new district maps that were tossed out by a court after several organizations and residents sued over gerrymandering (more on that later). The new map proposed by consultant Miguel DeGrandy cuts a corner of 17th Avenue off District 1 — about three homes, including the one where Miguel Angel Gabela, who is running against incumbent commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla, has lived in for more than 20 years.
Gabela, an auto parts dealer who has been knocking on doors since February, has run at least twice in this district already. Last time, in 2019, he forced Diaz de la Portilla, a political consultant and professional grifter, into a runoff.
“It’s quite obvious that this is a political move,” Gabela said in the public comments that were ultimately allowed as required by law even though the city didn’t want to have them.
“I was warned about this on Saturday morning. If you look at the map you will see that I am the only one on that corner… only one on the intersection,” Gabela said. “What a coincidence that someone decided they were going to cut it like there when it’s been in the district for years.”
Read related: Miami commission doesn’t want public comment or input on new redistricting
When he first came to the podium to ask if his house was drawn out of the district, nobody knew. Nobody could answer him. But he knew. It had been carved out “intentionally by this man here,” Gabela said, signaling Diaz de la Portilla. “Was a coincidence!” Then they cut off his mic.
It took several minutes and other speakers commented in the meantime while the consultants provided the city with the answer: Yes, he was drawn out of the district.

“I know this is politically motivated. You, Mrs. King, Commissoner Covo, Commissioner Reyes, have the authority to stop this when it comes to the vote,” Gabela said. “You don’t need any more lawsuits in the city of Miami you have enough now. Please don’t make me go get an attorney and sue the city of Miami . Please put me back where I was before.”
Ladra predicts that they will put him back when the commission reconvenes at 3:30 p.m. (read: 4:20 p.m.). Because Gabela will win any lawsuit. It’s just too obvious. This is what some might call a “fuck you map.” If they wanted it to be believable they would have included three blocks not nine houses. Just like they did when they carved a piece of Coconut Grove to put Commissioner Joe Carollo‘s million dollar home into District 3 so he could move back from Little Havana. (And that stays.)
Ladra predicts it won’t pass a legal challenge.
“The city is once again weaponizing the tools of government against residents,” said attorney David Winker, who is representing Gabela. “From protecting Carollo’s house to carving out political opponents, the city has demonstrated again and again the it can’t do this redistricting honestly and openly.
Read related: Miguel Gabela wants a rematch vs Alex Diaz de la Portilla in Miami’s District 1
“We need an independent process under the supervision of the federal judge,” Winker said.
Sources told Ladra that Diaz de la Portilla polled more than a month ago — his political action committee paid for polling data in April — and that the results weren’t good. People don’t like the general direction of the city and, in his district, the undecideds are winning, which is not so good for an incumbent.
ADLP, who is pals with DeGrandy, would not return several texts and calls to his cellphone and office during recess or after the meeting was over.
Ladra has requested any public records with directions that Diaz de la Portilla provided to DeGrandy regarding district boundaries.
“I’ve been walking and canvassing the area for over three or four months now. It is clear to me that residents don’t want him,” Gabela told Ladra after the meeting was over. He said Winker would file a lawsuit to block the District 1 boundaries and that he was going to keep walking and keep campaigning.
He also said that the commissioners feigned not knowing where he lives.
“Alex knows where I live. I ran against him last time and forced him into a runoff. Joe Carollo, in 2018 came to my house to dinner with his wife Marjorie. Then in June of 2019 he came to my office. He wanted me to testify against Miro and I said I would not,” Gabela said, referring to former Chief of Staff Steve Miro, who sued for wrongful termination and got a settlement from the city.
Gabela said that DeGrandy told him “how he got his instructions and how he came about to cutting my house off is by the commission.
“I’m going to the state attorney’s office. I’m going to the FBI,” he said.
Those people already know, Mike. They don’t seem to care.