Miami City Commissioner Joe Carollo must be crying in his cafecito.
On the heels of losing his last attempt to delay the April 10 federal trial for violating the rights of a couple of Little Havana businessmen — including Bill Fuller, who owns Ball & Chain Bar — a U.S. Southern District judge denied several motions filed by Carollo’s attorneys to. make ridiculous arguments and granted all the motions filed by the plaintiffs.
This is the first bonus of the trial being held in Broward.
Judge Rodney Smith granted motions by Fuller’s attorneys to exclude evidence, testimony or argument that plaintiffs tried to bribe Carollo, or any evidence, testimony or argument that the lawsuit is a fraud on the court, or any evidence or testimony or argument that injuries suffered by the businessmen at Carollo’s hand is the fault of other “intervening causes.”
Read related: Joe Carollo sued for violating free speech of Little Havana businesses
Even more importantly, the judge denied all six of Carollo’s motions, including attempts to exclude any memorandums, statements or testimony from former City Manager Emilio Gonzalez as well as any emails or other correspondence from former Police Chief Jorge Colina.

You know what they have to say is good if Carollo wanted it excluded.
Carollo also wanted to exclude any evidence of actions taken by the city unless there was a finding that the actions were taken at the his direction. But the judge denied that, too.
Is this really going to happen? Some people, including Ladra, wonder if the trial will be thwarted at the last minute. Las malas lenguas say Fuller and his business partner, Martin Pinilla, are not in the mood to settle. They want their day in court.
We all do.
Joe Carollo loses every motion he makes and the plaintiffs get theirs granted by Political Cortadito on Scribd