It wasn’t even close.
Laura Dominguez trounced Sabrina Cohen in a run-off Tuesday to replace former Miami Beach Commissioner Mark Samuelian, who died suddenly in June. Dominguez was Samuelian’s life partner.
Dominguez, who owns a digital marking company, got more than twice as many mail-in votes and ended up with a 22-point lead against Cohen, a realtor and disability rights activist. The ending tally was 61% to 39%.
Many of the people who voted for her remember Dominguez campaigning with Samuelian and going to community and city events with him. She also served as his treasurer and has the same positions he had. Voters showed Tuesday that they trust her to continue in Samuelian’s path.
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It’s a win for activists, many of whom campaigned for Dominguez and went to her victory party. She was also endorsed by Commissioners Kristen Rosen Gonzalez and Alex Fernandez as well as former Commissioner Michael Góngora and former Mayor Matti Bower.

Tuesday’s results are also a loss for Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, who openly campaigned for and supported Cohen. She also had the endorsement of Gelber’s crew: Commissioners Ricky Arriola and David Richardson. And his campaign management team.
But, according to campaign finance reports, Dominguez had $407,841 in contributions, more than three times as much as Cohen ($131,354).
Dominguez will be sworn in at a special commission meeting Dec. 12. Her first commission meeting is Dec. 14.