After a surprisingly hard loss Tuesday to Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar, an upbeat Sen. Annette Taddeo blasted the Florida Democratic Party and vowed to keep fighting for South Florida’s needs.
“I don’t need a title to get shit done,” she told her supporters after conceding defeat. And she read a text message that her daughter sent voters earlier Tuesday before the election ended.
“She said, ‘Hi this is Sofia. I’m Sen. Annette Taddeo’s daughter. I’m 16 years old. My friends and I have fear as we walk into our public schools every day that a deranged shooter who legally accessed an assault rifle will end our lives. I fear for our country’s democracy, which is slowly fading, dragging women’s rights right down with it. Please do it for me and 16-year-old girls throughout the country. Can I count on your vote to make my mom the next congresswoman of Florida 27?'”
“Well, Sofia, I’m not the next congresswoman of Florida 27,” Taddeo said, her voice cracking at times. “But I can guarantee you that I am going to keep fighting for all of us. Because we must fight for the next generation. Because when we fail, we fail them. And I’ll be damned if we’re going to give up.
“Freedom is worth fighting for.”

She also had a message for Florida Democrats.
“Enough with these studies and the committees and figuring out what went wrong. We know what went wrong. We know what’s wrong,” Taddeo said. “We know how to win in Florida. And Florida can be won again. “
She said Democrats have raised their hands up and thrown in the towel with Florida.
“You know what Republicans do? They lose in Florida and they invest even more,” she said. “They spend even more time with the people. They communicate in Spanish and in English and in Creole and they target minority communities. But guess who does the work for minority communities. Democrats.
“Our message needs to match our values. If we’re going to ever win in Florida again. And to do that, we must be present not just come election time but all the time. We must invest in communities of color not just come election time but all time time.
“We need to be present and organized starting tomorrow.”