Monday is the last day to register if you want to vote in the Coral Gables election April 13. There were 35,962 registered voters in the City Beautiful at the beginning of March, according to the Miami-Dade Elections Department. That’s a little more than the 33,154 who were registered at the time of the last […]
The mailer that landed in mailboxes Saturday calling Coral Gables Commission Group 3 candidate Alex Bucelo a puppet was paid for by former Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff. What does Miami have to do with the Gables? Well, while he denies it to the end, Javier Baños, who is also running in Group 3, is the […]
All together, the 13 candidates in the April 13 Coral Gables election have raised more than $1 million — a milestone reached last month, according to the latest campaign finance reports. Leading the pack are the mayoral candidates, who between them, raised $121,240 just in February. Together, they account for half of the million dollar […]
Two of the frontrunners in the Coral Gables Group 2 commission race were the subjects of a mobile poll last week that tested negative messages against one of them. Voters were asked if they would be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate if they had been “charged by Boston, Massachusetts police […]
Commissioner Pat Keon has drawn first blood in the mayoral race with a dark money attack mailer against Vice Mayor Vince Lago that calls him “a rubber stamp for big developers.” It’s almost laughable, because Keon is the development darling in the race. Lago has consistently been the lone no vote on several controversial developments […]
Please forgive me if you were at the Coral Gables Chamber’s candidate forum on Thursday and you heard Ladra snoring in the back row. Thank you, Chamber president Mark Trowbridge for the invite, but it was not worth risking COVID to be there live. I should have watched it on Zoom. Even Mayra Joli, the […]
Among the more controversial — and frightening — bills that the Florida Legislature is considering this year are some “civil immunity” measures that would give companies, hospitals and nursing homes a legal loophole from lawsuits that stem from employees or customers getting COVID-19. No, really. House Bill 7, sponsored by Rep. Lawrence McClure (R-Plant City), […]
But did ‘bad actors’ get some of the $60 million in federal funding? Some renters who are behind on their rent but protected by an emergency COVID eviction moratorium might find themselves on the street soon as Miami-Dade takes steps to resume residential ousters. The county already announced last month that it would start issuing […]
A Florida Senate bill “moving at the speed of light” would purge the permanent vote-by-mail request lists in every county by July — and could disenfranchise close to 100,000 Miami-Dade voters with elections this year in Virginia Gardens, Homestead, Miami, Miami Beach and Hialeah. Not so fast, said the Miami-Dade Commission, which on Tuesday passed […]
Rabies cases in wild animals have reportedly gone down in Miami-Dade, but commissioners on Tuesday will consider creating a new website dedicated to reporting and tracking incidents. How does Ladra know that cases are down? Because that’s what is reported on the county’s website, where there is already a lot of content. There’s even a […]