Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo is gone, but his shadow is still hanging out in City Hall.
Acevedo was fired Thursday after a 5-hour hearing in front of the city commission who tried real hard, with the help of the city manager, to make it look like it was because of eight specific job issues, which include failure to report damage to his car, gaffes with members of the public, taking time off without reporting it and accusing three commissioners of misconduct.
But the city of Miami is still following up, allegedly, on the latter — the abuse of office allegations that Acevedo made last month against the Three Amigos, Commissioners Joe Carollo, Alex Diaz de la Portilla and Manolo Reyes, who, Acevedo said, interfered with police investigation and used police and code enforcement to go after their political enemies.
Read related: Miami Commission votes to oust embattled Police Chief Art Acevedo
At the first special meeting last month to discuss Acevedo’s actions and future with the city, Reyes moved to have an “independent investigator” look into the allegations that the chief made against them. He or she will have the ability to issue subpoenas through Commissioner Jeffrey Watson.

City Attorney Victoria Mendez was put in charge of finding someone. She told Ladra last week that she had begun to comprise a “not exhaustive” list of 69 names. Some are very familiar, including former Miami Commissioner Willy Gort, who is now on the Miami-Dade Commission of Ethics and Public Trust, and former Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina.
One name seems unlikely: former Doral Police Chief and Carollo chief of staff Richie Blom, who was fired after he complained that Loco Joe went on “profanity laden rants” whenever someone “unwelcome” was treated well. Hmmm. Wasn’t part of Acevedo’s firing because he didn’t intervene in a profanity laden rant by his Number 2? Blom also complained about Carollo’s constant harassment of a Little Havana businessman the commissioner targeted as a political enemy.
Read related: Chief Art Acevedo fights back, reports misconduct by Miami city electeds
So it is doubtful that Mendez is truly considering him and Ladra has to wonder if this “not exhaustive” list is real.
A shortlist has been requested, as well as an explanation of how this will work. Will the investigator present his findings to the commission? To the police? To an outside agency? This is why we can’t trust this process and need a real and independent investigative agency to conduct the inquiry.
Meanwhile, these are the people Mendez is supposed to be considering:
- Israel Reyes
- Jerald Bagley
- Gary Winston
- Rodolfo Llanes
- Jorge Colina
- Manny Orosa
- Paul Phillips
- Wifredo Ferrer
- Craig Leen
- Ian Moffet
- Richie Blom
- Averil Dorsett
- Brian Barakat
- Charles Mays
- David Kubiliun
- David Markus
- Dori Foster-Morales
- Eric Padron
- Flora Seff
- Hillah (Katz) Mendez
- Jarret Wolfe
- Jason Bloch
- John Priovolos
- Jonathan Davidoff
- Jordan Lewin
- Pepe Herrera
- Joseph Rosenbaum
- Michael Band
- Katie Phang
- Khurrum Wahid
- Carmen Vizcaino
- Leonard Glick
- Liz Hernandez
- Luis Taborda
- Markenzy Lapointe
- Jacqueline Arango
- Martin Zilber
- Melba Pearson
- Mimi Turin
- Neal Sonnet
- Roy Black
- Nelson Bellido
- Nick Basco
- Olga Ramirez-Seijas
- PJ Mitchell
- Pablo Tamayo
- Pat Dray
- Andres Rivero
- Ramon Javier
- Ramon de la Cabada
- Raul Chacon
- Ray McGhee
- Rey Dorta
- Omar Ortega
- Robert Pertierra
- Roderick Vereen
- Roger Cabrera
- Sabrina Vora Puglisi
- Scott Silverman
- Sherri Romano
- Stan Blake
- Stephen Hunter Johnson
- Suzie Brown Vazquez
- Tammy Forrest
- Teresa Williams
- Thomas Bowman
- Todd Michaels
- Trudy Novicki
- Wifredo Gort