Former Miami Police Commander Nerly Papier, fired recently for the cover-up of an accident April 2 in her city-issued SUV, didn’t only hit the curb and blow both right side tires, causing some other damage. She also almost hit two pedestrians while speeding.
Where’s a cop when you need one?
A video of the incident, which looks like part of the internal affairs evidence used against Papier, was leaked anonymously to Ladra and a few other people Thursday, showing what looks like the commander’s car going up on the curve next to the cultural center in downtown Miami at a pretty rapid speed. Two men walking on the sidewalk get scared and jump out of the way, then turn around to watch the driver take the red light at the corner.
Know more: Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo gets memo from manager = cover for firing
The cover-up of that accident — in which the officer’s husband, former Acting Chief Ronald Papier, allegedly tried to hide the true facts — led to the firing of both officers by the new chief, Art Acevedo, who was sworn in only three days after the accident. And it is one of the things that Acevedo has been under fire for by commissioners who want to protect the officers, because they probably cover things up for them, too.

An email, with the video attached, sent to City Manager Art Noriega et al just after 12 noon seemed to be in defense of the police chief. It also brings up how Commissioner Joe Carollo has risen to the defense of Sergeant at Arms Luis Camacho, who has been relieved of duty for breaching the security of Mayor Francis Suarez, and how he uses Francisco “Frank” Pichel, a former cop who was charged with impersonating a police officer as he stalked Suarez.
Yes, it does sound like a daytime soap.
“It has become quite apparent that you are being pressured to fire the Miami Police Chief all because he terminated Deputy Chief Papier and Commander Nerly Papier. It doesn’t help that at every commission meeting, Commissioner Carollo obstructs a criminal investigation involving a Sergeant At Arms and his best friend, Francisco Pichel. Francisco is the thug that terrorizes legitimate businesses in Little Havana with Commissioner Carollo. He is now arrested for impersonating a police officer while following the Mayor. I’m sure he has ALOT of dirt on Commissioner Carrollo and will sing like a canary.
Back to the police department which is in complete shambles…Attached is the video of Commander Nerly Papier almost striking two pedestrians and running a red light. You can see hundreds of pieces of debris flying towards the pedestrians. Apparently Carollo thinks that’s not a big deal and his flunkie, Deputy Chief Papier covered up the crash. Carollo is upset because he used Papier in the past for his secret operations.
Bringing back a Deputy Chief that directed the police department not to investigate a crash involving his wife is official misconduct. If he or his wife is brought back, it just supports the old “Miami way”.Instead of railroading the Police Chief, why don’t you be an effective leader and coach him? I feel so bad for you seeing the Mayor had three police officers manhandle a Univision reporter because he is too much of a coward to face the public.”
That last comment was about an encounter Baby X had with Erika Carillo of Univision23 at an event Wednesday where she tried to get him to comment on the commission’s persecution of Acevedo, who Suarez brought to Miami himself as the “Tom Brady or Michael Jordan” of police chiefs.

In the Univision report, you can see a female bodyguard practically push Erika off the stairs and other big guys stand in between her and the mayor, who ignores her and ran away like a criminal on a perp walk. It’s understandable that Suarez wants to stay clear of the scandal and ride his tech high. But it’s another matter entirely to let your security force manhandle a known and respected journalist.
Know more: Where’s Francis Suarez? Miami mayor mum on police Chief Art Acevedo
It’s a legitimate question, Mayor Suarez. Why are you letting the commission get rid of your hand-picked police chief so they can put their own puppets in charge? Didn’t you bring Acevedo to do exactly what he’s been doing?
Let’s not hold our breath for an answer.
Meanwhile, this video shows that the little bump with the curb that Papier had was also a close call to vehicular manslaughter. The pedestrians literally grab the wall and stop and look back in kiss-the-ground disbelief.
It’s not enough that Papier got fired. She should get a careless driving ticket.