What does Jenny Nillo have on Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla?
Not only does he give her a job at the Omni Community Redevelopment Agency fresh out of prison, but then — when she is busted as a no-show and he should try to distance himself from her — The Dean provides her with a safety net and a raise.
A three month investigation into Nillo’s status as an employee began with a complaint to the police department. Internal Affairs began an investigation — and there should be video and lots of documents to pore over soon — and then, sources say, spun it off to either the State Attorney’s Office or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Many political observers speculate that Commissioner Joe Carollo was the tipster — and the anonymous writer behind an email making the rounds about this escandalo. He and ADLP have been in a bitter divorce for months, which may have been sparked by the Rickenbacker marina bid or something like that (more on that later).
Read related: Alex Diaz de la Portilla is investigated on ghost employee at Omni CRA
But for Crazy Joe to do this? It’s gone nuclear. And Ladra expects there to be some fallout at Thursday’s meeting.

Anyway, back to the present: Some law enforcement authority stopped Nillo in a city car, given to her by Diaz de la Portilla, who had her hired last April. She was driving erratically and they couldn’t risk the liability of letting her kills someone. Las malas lenguas say she was “falling down drunk.”
The Dean says his protegé was making an illegal u-turn. But authorities didn’t let her drive away. Whether the car was towed or impounded, as it should have been, or picked up and driven back to the motor pool by someone, Nillo was not allowed to drive away. Why?
Was she issued a ticket for an illegal turn? Or something else? Was she given a Breathalyzer test? Did they find alcohol in the vehicle?
Read related: Miami bromance breaks up as Joe Carollo and ADLP bicker and brawl
Anyway, fast forward to Tuesday, when the Omni CRA‘s executive director fired Nillo in a terse memo with no detail.
“This letter is to inform you that effectively immediately as of March 23rd, 2021, you are terminated from the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency (Omni CRA),” wrote Jason Walker. “Please feel free to contact us if you should have any further questions.”
But why would she call now if she hasn’t so far.

What a difference from last April when Nillo was offered the job of community liaison at $45,000. Everyone says it was forced upon Walker by Diaz de la Portilla. Also, she’s had two raises in eight months — in a COVID pandemic! — and was making $53,000 when she was fired. That’s right. She got a $5K raise in June and then another $3K added to her salary in October.
Diaz de la Portilla says he is going to give Nillo a small bump in salary for what she has had to go trough. What he means is he’s going to make sure she doesn’t spill all the beans.
Because first he gives the mortgage fraud felon a job providing oversight at the CRA, which has investment power on millions of taxpayer dollars — while she is on federal probation, to boot. He puts her near a housing fund. But then, when she is caught doing nothing but his errands, he gives her another job doing whatever in his office. And a raise!
Bet she’ll provide oversight now for the CARES relief grocery gift cards that are missing from the commissioner’s office.
Hope the authorities are still watching her.
At least until she’s taken away for violating probation.