Don’t put those masks away just yet. New variants and increased activity bourne from the confidence of mass vaccinations and lower infection rates have led to another surge in COVID cases nationwide. And Miami-Dade, where there are six confirmed cases of the omicron variant so far, is no exception. The seven-day positivity rate that was […]
If you ask Palmetto Bayers — including Mayor Karyn Cunningham — the controversial 87th Avenue bridge that Miami-Dade wants to build across the C-100 canal at 164th Street is not a done deal. Not by a mile. There are still a lot of questions and concerns, Cunningham said. Not to mention a looming lawsuit. But […]
Four Democrat Florida legislators are hoping to update the state’s 30-year-old hate crime law this session, adding to the list of potential victims. Sen. Tina Polsky (D-Boca Raton) and State Rep. Emily Slosberg (D-Boca Raton) want to include government, public and private organizations to the list. Sen. Lori Berman (D-Delray Beach) and State Rep. Joe […]
Two Democrat legislators have filed an appeal of last session’s controversial House Bill 1, the so-called “anti-riot” law, which was pushed by Republicans to punish Black Lives Matter protesters and chill free speech. Sen. Shevrin Jones (D-Miami Gardens) and State Rep. Angie Nixon (D-Jacksonville) have filed companion bills last week — in collaboration with The […]
Coral Gables officials have admitted to making a mistake in February when a rewrite of the zoning code meant to clean up inconsistencies actually increased height and density in an area known as the Biltmore Section. Whoooooops. Now the city is trying to fix the error — but their hands may be tied. On Wednesday, […]
Thank Changó and Ochún that Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has made newly-elected Commissioner Christine King the commission chairwoman. Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla — who curiously served as acting chairman for just one special and limited two-hour meeting last week — would have been a nightmare, berating public speakers he doesn’t like and shutting […]
The process for redistricting is still going on in Miami and at the state level (more on that later), but Miami-Dade County is done. Finito. Commissioners approved new boundaries last week after a few last minute amendments. And there was zero opposition. Zero lawsuits threatened. Zero drama. Probably because there were no huge changes and […]
But Gables Village planned area development seems to have no opposition UPDATED: On the eve before final approval of a proposed planned area development that will take up an entire city block in the Biltmore Section, a group of Coral Gables residents have asked the city commission to reverse the change made earlier this year […]
No real plans in sight for UM Hurricanes home at Coral Gables High Nobody would pay any attention to a late-night TV attorney who enthusiastically tweets over the weekend about building a football stadium for the University of Miami Hurricanes next to million dollars homes in Coral Gables — if it weren’t for the fact […]
A pair of South Florida legislators — one Democrat, the other Republican — are trying again to allow for the installation of speed cameras to enforce the limit in school zones. The effort died last year but Sen. Ana Maria Rodriguez (R-Doral) — whose bill passed committee Thursday — and State Rep. Nick Duran (D-Miami) […]