The mayoral runoff in Doral has gotten dirty with campaign ads claiming the corruption of both candidates, incumbent Mayor Luigi Boria and former founding Mayor JC Bermudez.
Now we learn that the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office is investigating possible voter fraud centered around eight people who registered to vote with an office building as their home address. That is not allowed . The law requires people register with their home address because, otherwise, they might vote in a city they do not live in.
One of those voters, Jonathan Aserraf, told Channel 6 that he simply listed his work address rather than his home address in Doral. He owns Offix Solutions, the business with its name on the door at 7950 NW 53 ST, Suite 337. He told reporter NBC6 Willard Shepard — who broke the story Wednesday night — that his brother also registered to vote from that address, but that he didn’t know the other six people.
Read related story: It ain’t over in Doral, Miami Lakes, with mayoral runoffs
The same office suite, however, has also been used by Boria’s brother-in-law Miguel Hervas who gave $200 from his business, NetMicro, in April. Their wives are sisters.
And if you look on his Facebook page — full of posts about the incumbent mayor — Hervas, who is now a real estate agent, worked at The Wise Computer, Boria’s distributor company, from 1994 to 1999. His LinkedIn profile says he was the general manager through 2000.
In his “About” section, Hervas also listed himself as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Doral (though Ladra is pretty sure he has never worked there) and former TV producer for Alpha & Omega church, the same church that Boria is a pastor at.

It’s obvious they’re close. There are several photos with the two of them together at family and community events — dating back to 2009. Boria and his wife had dinner at Hervas home in February of last year. It looks like they hung out at the Miss Universe pageant and maybe travelled together to Colombia in 2013 (Photos taken by Maria Lorena Boria were marked “in Melendez, Colombia.”). In another photo without Boria, Hervas is wearing a shirt that says “Luigi Boria Foundation.”
Hervas is registered to vote at his house on 110th Avenue in Doral but it is curious that it is his business address — the mayor’s brother-in-law’s business address — where these other alleged voters are registered. It is also worth noting that Absentee Ballot Queen Sasha Tirador, who the state attorney has investigated for AB fraud before, is running Boria’s campaign.
The other seven names registered to vote at that office are Jeannette Esmeralda Santiago, Gulnaz Shiriyazdanova, Iskander Umarov, Joseph Harrison Parris, Robert William Parris, Rollyn M Sy and Willie Son Sy. Only Santiago registered this year. The others registered in 2015 and 2012.
Ladra could not find most of these people in social media or anywhere else, for that matter. Shiriyazdanova (which sounds like Shitty Casanova if you say it really fast) was found in Boston and Russia. I can’t imagine there would be more than two people with that name. The only Willie Sys I could find on Facebook were in Baton Rouge and Manila, Phillipines.
But if this is voter fraud, it’s not very good fraud (Sasha, are you slipping?). According to the Elections Department, only Aserraf voted in the Nov. 8 election and he is the only one to cast a ballot so far in the Dec. 13 runoff.