Coral Gables precedent height can be undone Election Day

Coral Gables precedent height can be undone Election Day

The bad news out of the Coral Gables Commission meeting when the expansive Mediterranean Village development was approved Tuesday, albeit with some downsizing: The height variance allowing developers to go two stories higher than the code permits could very well set a precedent that will give the city a hard time denying other developers the […]

Sweetwater commissioner sues to get mayor off the ballot

Sweetwater commissioner sues to get mayor off the ballot

With about six weeks to go before the election, Sweetwater Commissioner Orlando Lopez, who is running for the mayor’s seat, has filed a lawsuit to remove Mayor Jose Diaz from the ballot. The lawsuit claims that Diaz, who has served as interim mayor since shortly after the August 2013 arrest of Sweetwater Mayor Manny “Maraña” […]

Huge Coral Gables development pushed before election

Huge Coral Gables development pushed before election

Coral Gables Commissioners could approve today the largest single development project in the city’s 90-year history — a mixed use complex over almost 7 acres just east of Ponce Circle Park with 214 condos, 15 townhouses, 320,000 square feet of retail and restaurants, a 184-room hotel, a movie theater, a gym and offices to be […]

Legislators let clock run on Everglades — and ignore our vote

Legislators let clock run on Everglades — and ignore our vote

Remember Amendment One? It was only about five months ago that we the people of the great state of Florida passed a constitutional amendment, no less, that provides for the funding of long-promised Everglades restoration through the purchase of land with a percentage of document fees. Well, leave it to the Florida legislature to ignore […]

Miami Lakes: Michael Pizzi thisclose to being mayor again

Miami Lakes: Michael Pizzi thisclose to being mayor again

Former, arrested, suspended and acquitted Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi is one step closer to sitting back in his office at Town Hall after a judge ruled Tuesday that his acquittal on bribery charges — and the subsequent, if forced, revocation of the governor’s suspension — means that he should get his old elected […]

Coral Gables Chamber debate hardly worth the effort

Coral Gables Chamber debate hardly worth the effort

It’s a real shame that the last debate — if one can even call it that — of the commission and mayoral candidates in Coral Gables was so lame. With two weeks to go before the April 14 election, the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce event Tuesday night was a missed opportunity for the candidates […]

Carlos Curbelo kicks off campaign with friends… and clients?

Carlos Curbelo kicks off campaign with friends… and clients?

If you want to know who U.S. Rep. Carlos “Cry Baby” Curbelo is really representing in Washington, D.C., show up tonight at Shula’s 347 Grill in Sunset Place for the kick-off of the one-term congressman’s re-election campaign. While Curbelo has been raising money from the get-go, this event Monday night in South Miami is the […]

Marco Rubio may announce run soon — for Prez? Or Gov?

Marco Rubio may announce run soon — for Prez? Or Gov?

Will he? Or won’t he? That is the $100 million campaign question. Odds are that U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio will, indeed, announce his long-desired presidential run next month at a press event at the celebrated Freedom Tower — a great possible backdrop for his important announcement, since it was the beacon that received and processed […]

Alex Penelas crowd hosts Andrew Korge Senate kick-off

Alex Penelas crowd hosts Andrew Korge Senate kick-off

Andrew “Kid” Korge will kick off his campaign for State Sen. Gwen Margolis‘ seat with a party next week hosted by everybody and their mother. Or father, actually. No fewer than 88 people are hosting the event, and the list is definitely a throwback to the days of former Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas. A one-time […]

Ricky Arriola makes Miami Beach election interesting

Ricky Arriola makes Miami Beach election interesting

J. Ricky Arriola has become the latest in a group of seven people — so far — who hope that three open commission seats in Miami Beach can spark their political careers. Arriola filed for the November city elections on Tuesday. But it’s not the first we hear of his political aspirations. His name was […]

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