Doral to consider condemning Trump, taking back city key

Doral to consider condemning Trump, taking back city key

Doral Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz will sponsor a resolution next week condemning billionaire businessman, reality TV star and presidential candidate Donald Trump for his “racist, derrogatory” remarks about Mexicans and immigrants in his campaign announcement speech. Even though other electeds have expressed outrage at the incendiary comments and the county commission passed a similar resolution last month, […]

County Denver trip foreshadows big transportation project

County Denver trip foreshadows big transportation project

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, Commissioner Esteban Bovo, Bruno Barreiro, Dennis Moss and Jean Monestime, plus at least seven other county officials, including Deputy Mayor Ed Marquez and the newly-appointed Transit Director Alice Bravo (more on her later), are heading to Denver next week for a three-day transportation field trip. They will meet with local political […]

PBA paints Carlos Gimenez as ‘Pinocchio style’ liar

PBA paints Carlos Gimenez as ‘Pinocchio style’ liar

The new August issue of the PBA’s Heat newspaper — published by the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association — takes aim at an old target right out front and center. On the cover is Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez, primping in the mirror as he “readies for the budget.” Looking back at him is his face — with […]

Carlos Gimenez starts early street campaign — in Miami

Carlos Gimenez starts early street campaign — in Miami

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez may be leading in polls and exuding an outward confidence that he will be re-elected in 2016, but it seems he is secretly sweating the challenge from Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado. Why? Well, because a whole 13 months from the election, there is a canvassing team going door to […]

Miami Beach PAC seems to cast wider net than city race

Miami Beach PAC seems to cast wider net than city race

Just what are a couple of Miami Beach electeds who are not in contested races this year going to do with the funds they shake out of city contractors and would-be developers for their political action committee? That’s the $1 million question. The two ads produced so far by Relentless for Progress — the PAC […]

Ethics Commission looks into Miami Beach shakedown PAC

Ethics Commission looks into Miami Beach shakedown PAC

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine and Commissioner Jonah “Pottymouth” Wolfson tried hard to quash a motion by Commissioner Deede Weithorn to have the Ethics Commission look into their brazen shakedown of vendors and developers who want to do business, or continue doing business, with the city. And they may have won at the dais, after the motion […]

Poll results are nothing for Carlos Gimenez to brag about

Poll results are nothing for Carlos Gimenez to brag about

The latest poll results on the 2016 Miami-Dade mayoral race may not be good news for School Board Member Raquel Regalado, whose numbers slipped from poll markers released six months ago. But it’s even worse news for Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Sure, he’s got a 23-point lead of his sole declared challenger, a lead you will […]

Try as he might, Carlos Lopez-Cantera ain’t no Marco Rubio

Try as he might, Carlos Lopez-Cantera ain’t no Marco Rubio

Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, a former state rep and one-time Miami-Dade property appraiser who wants to replace Sen. Marco Rubio in D.C., is trying to cast himself as a near carbon copy of his would-be predecessor, a 2012 VP contender with the real potential to be the first Hispanic U.S. president. It ain’t gonna fly. Read related […]

Miami-Dade flubs millions in HUD funds, then spends more

Miami-Dade flubs millions in HUD funds, then spends more

Miami-Dade County, accused of  wrongly allocating $13 million in federal grants that must be repaid to the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department, is about to dole out another $12.5 million of the very same Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) and State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) monies. How do we know we won’t […]

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