Jeb Bush has Hialeah breakfast sans loanshark mayor

Jeb Bush has Hialeah breakfast sans loanshark mayor

Missing from the long list of electeds who are hosting Former Gov. Jeb Bush at a breakfast Monday morning in Hialeah: Mayor Carlos Hernandez. Was he snubbed because he’s an admitted loanshark? Hernandez isn’t on the host committee list. Could be because he hasn’t come out publicly for any candidate yet, as far as Ladra can tell. But it could […]

Local GOP leader ruffles feathers with Ted Cruz nod

Local GOP leader ruffles feathers with Ted Cruz nod

Every Republican leader and/or activist has a favorite primary candidate and in this weird landscape where the outsiders are gaining ground on both the establishment and Tea Party boys, they are making their choices known. Congress members Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Carlos Curbelo are still behind the failing campaign of former Gov. Jeb Bush. State Sen. Miguel […]

Lobbyist: ‘Happy Holidays’ with Baby Jesus y Donald Trump

Lobbyist: ‘Happy Holidays’ with Baby Jesus y Donald Trump

The front of the card looks normal enough. Except maybe the Baby Jesus might be pouting like Kylie Jenner and making a gang hand symbol, I don’t know. But when you open the Christmas greeting from Southern Strategy Group lobbyist Nelson Diaz — also the Miami-Dade Republican Party Chairman — you realize that the yellow […]

Rejected by voters, Teresa Sarnoff gets payback Tally post

Rejected by voters, Teresa Sarnoff gets payback Tally post

Failed Miami commission candidate Teresa “The Missus” Sarnoff, who gave up the runoff after she came in a distant second to Commissioner Ken Russell, got a consolation prize Monday when Gov. Rick Scott appointed her to the Florida Transportation Commission. Some people are calling it payback after Mrs. Sarnoff and her husband, then Miami Commissioner […]

Another open letter to Cuban-Americans — sans biz interests

Another open letter to Cuban-Americans — sans biz interests

Did you hear the one about the group of Cuban-American businessmen who went to Havana and had such a good time, they came back and bought a page in the Miami Herald to tell the rest of us how wonderful everything is on the Communist-run island? It’s not a joke. The 10 signers to the […]

Another GOP debate yields no real game changers

Another GOP debate yields no real game changers

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. While there was more blood spilled at the 5th GOP presidential debate Tuesday night than there has been in the last four previous debates — with more one-on-one challenges — there were still very few moments that seemed like they would make a big difference. There were many serious things […]

Pets’ Trust goes PAC to influence 2016 elections

Pets’ Trust goes PAC to influence 2016 elections

The Pets’ Trust people are tired of talking to a brick wall and so they have taken a different route to communicate with the elected officials who ignore them — and more importantly their voters: They formed a political action committee. Now, that’s speaking their own language! The Animal Power Party PAC was formed earlier […]

Boat Show battle comes to Miami-Dade for ‘temporary’ pass

Boat Show battle comes to Miami-Dade for ‘temporary’ pass

There are three different lawsuits pending and unanswered questions about setting a precedent on using park land for commercial purposes. Environmentalists, concerned about the effect on adjacent protected land, will cry foul. The mayor of Key Biscayne will talk about how this goes against the carefully thought-out plan for Virginia Key. And residents of the […]

A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

We may actually have a Democratic primary in South Florida’s favorite congressional district this year, thanks to the Florida Supreme Court’s new maps that made District 26 a little bluer. But is wannabe candidate Andrew Korge the best we can do? Korge put a trial balloon in the air with a Miami Herald reporter, leaking […]

South Miami: Horace Feliu strikes first with email

South Miami: Horace Feliu strikes first with email

Former South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu, who filed last week to run against incumbent mayor Philip Stoddard, has striken first with an email blast that gives voters — and the rest of us — a look see into the main issue of his campaign: Development. Or overdevelopment, as he sees it. “Our quality of life is […]

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