Anyone subscribed to any of the presidential candidates’ email lists get the pleas for donations, which have been coming furiously in the past few days as we approach Tuesday’s deadline.
“Dear Friend,” they usually start before begging for your $5 or a whatever-you-can afford donation because it really, really, really makes a difference, they invariably say.
But never before has Ladra received three different emails from a candidate’s three different family members in a 24-hour period. And never have I gotten a pitch from a former prez. Then again, I only just recently subscribed to Hillary’s emails and I am certain former prez Bill will shrill for Hill. But the former First Lady and senator and Secretary of State can’t even catch up to Jeb’s family support even if Chelsea makes a plea.
Because since Sunday, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush had not just his wife and his son but also his “proud father” — and onetime leader of the free world — former President George H.W. Bush appeal to supporters for a contribution.
This morning’s ex POTUS email is the funniest, since he promises to sic Barbara “The Enforcer” Bush on us. Really? Or is he just trying to be cute?
“Dear Friend,
I’m a proud father, and it’s been a great month.
But I’m reaching out because we need your help to continue this journey. Midnight tomorrow marks the end of our first fundraising quarter, and it’s imperative that we finish strong. So I’m asking, will you contribute $15 right now? Will you help us reach our goal of $200,000? Will you help us win?
It’s not the same as when I ran for office, now a single email can raise millions, and every fundraising deadline is scrutinized. That’s why Jeb needs you, and that’s why I’m personally asking you to make a gift of $15.
I love my son, and I know he can fix Washington because he’s already done it in Florida.
I’m going to ask one last time, contribute $100, $50, $15 or whatever you can afford right now, before the midnight deadline.
And remember, I’m asking, so my wife, “The Enforcer,” doesn’t have to. Trust me, you don’t want her following up! Please join me today.
All the best,
George H.W. Bush
The email from George P. Bush seems a lot more serious than grandpa.
“I know mom reached out, but I wanted to follow up.
Dad has been hitting the trail hard since announcing his candidacy earlier this month, sharing his vision and listening to voters. He even convinced me to pitch in as I was in Nevada last week — we’re picking up steam but we can’t let up now.”
Dad needs your help, no two ways about it. The end of quarter deadline is two days away, and it is crucial we meet our goal of $200,000. Will you help us by chipping in $100, $50, or $25 right now?
This is the first deadline of the campaign, and Dad is going to have to disclose just how many people are supporting his campaign — everyone will be watching,” Bush writes.
“There are only two outcomes when midnight Tuesday rolls around:
- We’ll hit our goal and send the other campaigns a clear message of our strength.
- We’ll fail and send a message to Hillary that we’re not serious: that the path to the White House will be unobstructed.
I don’t know about you, but failure isn’t an option for me. It’s not an option for America as that’s what this campaign is about: the future of our country.
Friend, I’m asking you to do your duty, and step up to support Dad before this critical end of month deadline and chip in $100, $50, $25, or anything you can right now.
Since Dad’s launch, political pundits have been admitting Hillary and her staff are worried. And now they’re watching to see if we will have the money to compete against the Clinton machine.
Let’s keep them watching, and show that Dad’s supporters shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Thanks, Friend, I knew I could count on you.
Only a few hours earlier, we received an email from his wife with the subject line “Todos Por Jeb!” But the rest of it was in English.
It’s been nearly two weeks since Jeb started his campaign, and the enthusiasm so far has been amazing.I’m so proud of him, and I know he appreciates everyone’s support.
Friend, that’s why I’m asking for your help. Our first big deadline is Tuesday atmidnight, and Jeb needs our support with a contribution of $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can.
This deadline is important. You’ve heard the media; everyone is watching, waiting to add up numbers and waiting to make judgments.
Jeb’s doing his part. He’s out there earning it, working hard every hour. He’s answering every question, showing his heart and I know it would be a big lift for him if you joined our campaign today with a gift of $100, $50, or $25 before this big deadline.
From Dubuque, IA to Derry, NH, Jeb’s sharing his plan to boost growth, create jobs and cut taxes for the American people. Please join us so we can continue:
We plan to take nothing and no one for granted, especially you, and we thank you for joining us and going all in for Jeb.
Thank you Friend.
I’ve never felt so close to the Bush family in my life. But I can’t help wonder if Jebby or his daughter, Noelle, feel left out.
At the very least, we should expect an email from Big Brother before the end of the day tomorrow.