Sweetheart soccer stadium deal already has opposition

Sweetheart soccer stadium deal already has opposition

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his new BFF, soccer star David Beckham will be promoting their plans for a Major League Soccer stadium on public land Wednesday. Opponents who are already calling this another case of “welfare for millionaires” because of the public land component might have a press conference to bash it on Thursday. Cutler […]

Beckham soccer stadium deal: Unknown and already it smells

Beckham soccer stadium deal: Unknown and already it smells

Plans for a Major League Soccer team and stadium are rolling along, like a black and white ball on an open field, so smoothly and quickly that the principal cheerleaders —  Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his new BFF, soccer star David Beckham, and Major League Soccer commissioner Don Garber — will be stumping for […]

Here a Bush, there a Bush… everywhere a Jeb Bush

Here a Bush, there a Bush… everywhere a Jeb Bush

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush isn’t on the ballot for anything this year, and keeps saying aw shucks to suggestions that he run for president. But folks are beginning to wonder if he isn’t already campaigning for a job at the White House from the flurry of public appearances and exposure he’s gotten lately. The […]

State GOP opens new outreach office on Calle Ocho

State GOP opens new outreach office on Calle Ocho

What took them so long? The Republican Party of Florida had a very quiet grand opening last weekend for an outreach office on Calle Ocho to help with the many races it’s going to be involved in this year — particularly the governor’s race, where the GOP is hoping to hang on, and the Congressional […]

Florida City elections: No change for the last 30 to 50 years

Florida City elections: No change for the last 30 to 50 years

Providing for what could arguably be the best argument for term limits ever, three incumbents with nearly three decades in office — and half a century, in one case — won re-election Tuesday in Florida City. Mayor Otis Wallace, first elected 30 years ago, won with more than 71% of the vote. And Commissioners Roy […]

Dejavu: Joe Garcia takes Homestead DREAMer to SOTU

Dejavu: Joe Garcia takes Homestead DREAMer to SOTU

When President Barack Obama speaks tonight at the State of the Union Address, he will bring up immigration reform. Again. And the cameras will likely pan to the parade of DREAMers (read: human stage props) invited to the White House as symbols of the struggle. Again. Among them will be Mayra Rubio Limon, a young […]

Gimenez 5% veto tied to politically-motivated FDLE transfer

Gimenez 5% veto tied to politically-motivated FDLE transfer

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez finally issued the veto Friday that he promised of the 8-5 commission decision to return some money the county has been taking away from employees for five years. That was no surprise. What may have raised some eyebrows is a memo he wrote a day earlier telling Miami-Dade Police Director J. […]

Dade Dems, GOP join to fight child sex trafficking

Dade Dems, GOP join to fight child sex trafficking

They have plenty of time the rest of the year to fight over the governor’s race and Congressional District 26. But, this month, local Democrat and Republican leaders will join forces on behalf of “one of our community’s most vulnerable populations” — victims of child sex trafficking. Not a sign of Armageddon. “This shows that Democrats […]

What’s really driving threatened ouster of Doral city attorney?

What’s really driving threatened ouster of Doral city attorney?

Doral’s recent war between the mayor and the city manager — and it’s resulting and multiple criminal investigations — were almost a faint memory when another chapter of political intrigue opened in the small city on the western edge of the county. Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz’s surprise attempt to fire City Attorney John Herin last week failed to get […]

Jackson Health union compromise on 5% could set example

Jackson Health union compromise on 5% could set example

In another sign that it can be done, that the so-called healthcare “emergency” isn’t real, Jackson Health System has reached a possible compromise agreement with the public hospital’s two  labor unions to phase out the famous and forced 5% “group healthcare” contribution that has been the cause of so much hand-wringing at County Hall. Watch […]