Pics of the week returns with early voting, Halloween

Pics of the week returns with early voting, Halloween
  • Sumo

Back by popular demand, Political Cortadito’s Pics of the Week returns today with two general themes — early voting and Halloween.

You asked for it? You got it. Quite a few people have said that they missed the collection of social media posts by local politicians and government folks, and, well, Ladra loves to give the people what they want.

So, with no further ado, don’t get scared by the monsters. Oh, and Halloween photos too.

Driving around to different voting locations, I got to meet State Rep. Erik Fresen‘s famous mom, Millie Fresen, at the Coral Gables library. She was so friendly and nice and kind. A truly class act. I don’t think she’s read Political Cortadito in her life, but she recognized me from TV and introduced herself. Then Fresen called and she handed me the phone without warning him. How real can you get? Loved her. And from what I understand, she is the campaign’s engine.

Millie Fressen

State Rep. Michael Bileca has less of a challenge — really less of a challenge — but is out touring the voting places anyway. Why not? He seems very relaxed.

michael bileca

And State Rep. Frank Artiles seems even less worried about a near to nothing challenge, skipping some of the early voting Saturday to distribute food with Miami Dade College students and staff at the South Florida Military Museum.

Frank Artiles

Palmetto Bay Mayor Shelley Stanczyk at a honk and wave Saturday with her supporters, getting out the early vote.


Shelley Stanczyk

Local politics is a family affair at the Coral Reef Library. Karyn Cunningham, the “government action” and “government engagement” specialist at UTD who is running for a council seat in Palmetto Bay, brings daughter Megan. And former Mayor Eugene Flinn, who wants his old job back, brings wife Alexandra Flinn to the festivities.

Karyn Cunningham

Eugene Flinn

State Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez (right) is facing a little closer of a contest against lobbyist and Republican up and comer Daniel Diaz Leyva (not pictured), so he was hitting early voting at Miami City Hall and posed for this selfie by Pierre Crevaux, who is campaigning for Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Adrian Wyllie.

Jose Javier Rodriguez

Then, in Doral, we get Conressman Mario Diaz-Balart drumming up votes for Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, who is flanked by the three Doral Councilwomen, Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera, Christy Fraga and Ana Maria Rodriguez (Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil). And State Rep. Jose Felix Diaz is there to the right.

Bettina, Mario, Jose Felix Diaz

But Diaz was not all work and no play. And as if we haven’t seen enough ghouls at the early voting sites, we get political Halloween photos that are so cute you could puke. The winner is Jose Felix “Selfie King” Diaz, who is so prolific on Instagram and Facebook that you may think when is he legislatin‘? This was really special but the one bad thing, representative, is that you will forever be Wreck It Ralph.

Jose Felix Diaz Halloween

And students invade the Miami-Dade School Board ethics meeting last week demanding treats. Superintendent Alberto Carvalho was there, as were Board Members Marta Perez, Raquel Regalado, Perla Tabares Hantman, Larry Feldman and Dorothy Benedgross-Mindingall were there. Not present at the ethics training was Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo, who is too busy breaking campaign finance violations and hiding his client list under his wife’s skirt as he tries to gain a seat in Congress.

Miami Dade School Board Halloween

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