Joe Garcia opens back-to-back campaign offices in high drive

Joe Garcia opens back-to-back campaign offices in high drive
  • Sumo

(Continued from previous page)

“Lobbyist Carlos Curbelo, Joe’s opponent, seems to have a problem telling the truth. You see, he wants to keep it secret who he’s been lobbying for all of these years. On his disclosure form he says his wife owns his lobbying firm, so he could keep his clients hidden. He’s not telling us the truth and keeping his big money clients a secret,” Penalosa writes in the email.

Read related story: Carlos Curbelo hides lobbying client list under his wife’s skirt

Meanwhile, Curbelo — who has only opened one campaign office in the district — has been more quite lately or than expected, especially after his 47% victory in the five-way primary. One would think he’d be crowing from the rooftops. Maybe he’s avoiding questions about why Capitol Gains is in his wife’s name even though shecurbelo, hernandez doesn’t work there and he runs the lobbying firm. Maybe he’s polling to see which way the wind blows.

He’s not entirely silent, of course. He somehow found a way to blame Joe for the Isis crisis and went to the free-for-all event for Gov. Rick Scott at La Carreta Restaurant in Westchester. There, he took the opportunity to attack Garcia — whose own FBI investigation into a 2010 campaign ringer seems to be gaining steam as per the headlines — highlighting once again what the crux of this campaign will be: Scandal vs. scandal.

“In this election, we have the opportunity to once and for all say ‘enough is enough,’ to the election fraud, to the absentee ballot schemes, to the straw candidates that Joe Garcia has perpetrated on this community,” Curbelo said. He said this with a straight face while he stood almost next to Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez.

Read related story in The Shark Tank: Curbelo rips Rep. Joe Garcia over elections fraud alleations

In a one-on-one interview with Javier Manjarres of The Shark Tank, Curbelo goes into more detail. “Joe Garcia ran a campaign in 2012, saying that the Republican candidate is corrupt and had all kinds of ethics issues while knowing that his campaign recruited and illegally financed a straw candidate and in 2012 his campaign committed absentee ballot fraud.

“These are facts. These are not allegations,” Curbelo tells Manjarres, even though, it is still to be proven that Garcia knew. Meanwhile, he’s known that he intentionally hides his bread and butter.

“To run a campaign telling people that we need honest leaders while he’s cheating? That may be a new low in American politics,” Curbelos said in the interview.

Well, not entirely new, Mr. School Board Member. Ladra suggests you look in the mirror because you did it first.

And, alas, I’ve a feeling we’ve not yet reached the low of this campaign.

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