Monday was a great day for both Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo and former Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez, who are competing for a chance to unseat Congressman Joe Garcia in District 26, as the two other Republicans in the primary imploded.
First former Congressman David Rivera is cited with ethics violations related to double-dipping for his travel expenses — having the state reimburse him for flights to and from Tallahassee, which he also paid from his campaign account. Although it is old — from when he was a state rep from 2002 to 2010 — and not a criminal offense, a judge said he had “criminal intent” and that his testimony was not credible. We know that at least one opponent will create a mailer with headlines that scream “Rivera stole state funds,” and that Rivera, in his typical style, will not respond. So its possible his campaign cannot survive this hit.
Then the candidate with the least steam, Lorenzo “Larry” Palomares Starbuck, boasted about an endorsement he didn’t really have. And it turns out he has several endorsements that seem to be fraudulent.
Can anyone say ka-boom?

The nobody in the race has managed to collect quite a few choice endorsements: First he told folks he had the endorsements of Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez and Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado, who reign in cities far from the Calle 8 to Monroe district. Then it was former Dominican Republican President Hipolito Mejias. He’s also got Ambassador to Panama Willie Cochez and former Key West Mayor Morgan McPherson. And the group was crowned with former Congressman Dan Burton, who recorded a message for the candidate.
The most recent alleged “endorsement” came Monday, from the AFL-CIO.
Only problem: It ain’t true. The Constitutional attorney is either lying outright or smoking crack or loony tunes.
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