1st Congressional primary debate missing one: David Rivera

1st Congressional primary debate missing one: David Rivera
  • Sumo

(Continued from previous page)

Rivera arguably became the instant frontrunner as soon as he said he was back in the race. He’s sorta like an incumbent in the sense that it was his seat only been a year and a half ago and he enjoys huge name recognition and support from primary (read: old, Cuban) voters. Why would Nine Lives risk one of those to get on stage con cuatro gatos and equate himself to them? Why would he, in his head, get down to their level?

Related story: David Rivera has no past, only a future, at Cuba Nostalgia

And, just as importantly, he would also open himself up not just to attack — because you can be certain that at least one or two of the CAM01456other candidates would use the opportunity to smear him — but also to questions he doesn’t want to answer. Questions about campaign financing, Ana Sol Alliegro and his alleged pay-for-play role on slot machines in the state.

It might have been different had there been just one other candidate. But Rivera is unlikely to allow himself to be grouped into what he sees as a bunch of wannabes.

Ladra doubts he’ll show up at the other debates we hear are being scheduled by Actualidad Radio and the Latin American Business Association.

But you never know.

Rivera, apparently, likes to surprise us.

The first debate for the primary candidates in the Congressional race in District 26 will begin at 6:30 p.m. June 23 at the Graham Center at Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th St., and will be moderated by WPLG Local 10’s Glenna Golden Milberg.

“I will miss David Rivera if he is not there,” Milberg told Ladra. “How can it be a complete candidates’ debate without him?

“I have always found our conversations to be fascinating on many levels.”

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