Charlie Crist, wife open two campaign spots in new home

Charlie Crist, wife open two campaign spots in new home
  • Sumo

Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who wants to take his old job away from Gov. Rick Scott, is going to open not one but thecriststwo local campaign offices, now that Miami-Dade is his new home.

And he is bringing his smoking hot wife, businesswoman Carole Crist Rome, who is not usually trotted out to campaign events but I guess couldn’t be kept hidden away in her own neighborhood.

Carole Crist briefly lost custody of her teenage daughters in a well-publicized battle where she was painted as an uncaring bitch who hadn’t bothered to call or see her kids in years.

The former First Lady of Florida has since regained joint custody. But this back story can’t be good for the campaign. At the very least, the moms of Liberty City (6211 NW 7th Ave.) and Little Havana (2206 SW 8th St.), where the two offices are opening Saturday, may not like it.

The Crists will be in Little Havana at 10:30 a.m. and Liberty City at 12:30 p.m.

“This kind of door-to-door, person-to-person, friend-to-friend organizing is how we’re going to win against the $100 million Rick Scott has promised to spend grinding out lies,” wrote Crist’s director of budget and operations, Jared Mueller, in an email to Miami-Dade supporters.

“A few weeks ago, I promised that if we hit our April fundraising goal, we’d be able to open two new offices in May,” Mueller wrote in his email.

“We’re keeping our word. This Saturday, May 17th, Charlie, Carole, and the whole crew will be opening the doors to two new offices in Miami. You should be there to celebrate this.”

We suspect “the whole crew” does not include Jessica and Skylar Rome, who are now about 17 and 15, respectively.