Charlie Crist’s Cuba trip — just another flip

Charlie Crist’s Cuba trip — just another flip
  • Sumo

Former Florida Gov. and current candidate for that seat Charlie Crist announced last week that he wanted to take a little trip cristthis summer.

Maybe the stress of the campaign is getting to him and he needs a little vacay. But, no, he is not going to Disney World — although some might argue it is a world of make believe.

Because Charlie Crist wants to go to Cuba.

Yeah, I know, how is that going to help him with the Florida vote?

Truth is Crist has likely given up on the Miami-Dade Cubans, the only Hispanics in the nation who consistently vote Republican. And for good reason. A poll released by FIU Professor Dario Moreno last week shows that while Crist — who has been leading in polls overall — has an edge among all Hispanics, but not among Cubans, where he can barely get 30 percent to support him.

Ladra thinks that is too many.

Maybe his trip to Cuba is a way of saying to Miami’s Cubans “nya, nya, nya, nya… I don’t need your stupid votes.”

He announced his intentions to visit the Communist run island after he expressed his support to ending the U.S. embargo against Cuba — a hot topic during election time that really has absolutely nothing to do with the governor’s job. Still, he wants to go to the island and see the situation first hand. First hand, mind you. Even Cubans visiting their families don’t often get to see the situation first hand, but this gringo thinks he can.

que baratoCan’t you just see him living Cuba’s reality? Standing in line all morning for the one egg you get this week? Distributing the bloomers and calzoncillos he bought at Ño, Que Barato for his cousins? Watching U.S and Mexican TV programs quietly because they are captured on the illegal parabolica your family has on the roof? Taking a cold shower because there is no water heater?

Yeah, right.

Those of us who know the Cuban reality know that Crist is not going to see jack. He will see what the Cuban authorities want him to see, what they program into his schedule. Most probably a school and a hospital will figure into that. This is the Cuba that the repressive government parades out for their gringo visitors so they can promote their propaganda.

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