No, she’s not getting a nose job.
Doral Councilwoman Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera missed the half of the council meeting Wednesday night because she was at Baptist Hospital with an intestinal obstruction.
“I do not know how many days I will be here. But I am well taken care off,” she told her Facebook friends Friday morning. “Thank you for your well wishes and God Bless.”
Later in the afternoon, she thanked them for their calls and flowers and company.
“Soon I will know more results, but we are continuing to work for our great city,” she wrote, posting a photo of her in hospital gown, with some kind of tube or electronic wire running up to her nose, but still looking pretty good with no make-up and an upbeat smile.
And she’s not down so much that he couldn’t add a note about one of her favorite causes: “This Sunday is Venezuelan in Exile Day. I wish all of the Venezuelan community strength, so that next year Venezuela will be free.”