The crowd at Doral City Hall for Wednesday’s State of the City address seemed mostly like supporters of Mayor Luigi Boria, who used the opportunity to try to make nicey nice with the city manager.

But among those in the audience was former Councilman Pete Cabrera, who lost the mayoral race in the first round with almost 30 percent of the vote, same as the other candidate, Frank Bolaños. Then he surprised everyone by endorsing Boria.
Cabrera didn’t want to talk about that Wednesday. He didn’t want to talk at length with me. Ladra had to hound him to ask him what he was doing there.
“I’m a citizen of Doral,” he told me. “I’m here to listen.”
Really? I haven’t seen you at many of the other meetings.
He also said he had nothing to do with the proposed recall of the mayor and reiterated what he told the Miami Herald: That he was against it.
Ladra didn’t get a chance to ask him about rumors, however, that he may jump into this year’s elections anyway. Both Councilwomen Ana Maria Rodriguez, whose baby is due Dec. 31, and Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, who replaced Boria’s seat on the dais to just serve out his term, will be on the ballot next November.
Guess who las malas lenguas have Cabrera going up against?
I tried reaching Rodriguez Aguilera to no avail Thursday.