Survey says you readers are smart, affluent — and Republican

Survey says you readers are smart, affluent — and Republican
  • Sumo

While you can still participate in Political Cotadito’s first ever reader survey, Ladra has already learned something about you, dear readers.

More of you are men than women. More of you are college graduates than non-graduates. More of you are U.S.-born (with Cuban-born being a close second). Most of you tune in two to five times a week.

I’m also popular with parents and retirees.

Also, there are apparently more Republicans interested in what Ladra has to say than Democrats. Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairwoman Annette Taddeo is not gonna like that.

But, according to my google analytics, you are overwhelmingly loyal. More than 66 percent of you are repeat visitors who stay for an average of two and a half minutes and view between four and five pages.

That is important, said Political Cortadito Advertising Manager Bill Gato, because many sites struggle with getting visitors to return again and again.

“Our first reader survey revealed that we have a loyal audience of highly educated, affluent and influential South Floridians,” Gato said. “This is a wonderful opportunity for local businesses and even national advertisers to reach these smart, powerful consumers.  It’s also an opportunity to sponsor great watchdog journalism.”

Awwwww. I think I’ll keep him.

Some of the things we learned so far about our readers from the online survey, started in August with a link from the website and answered by 170 respondents:

  • More than half, 56%, are male; 44% are female.
  • Almost 60% are men and women between the ages of 18 and 54.
  • More than a quarter of them are age 65 and older, 23% are 35-45 and 17% make up each of the other age groups: 18-34, 46-54 and 55-64.
  • Almost 70 percent are parents and 18 percent are retirees.
  • A whopping  95% of our readers are college-educated,  with 31% holding Master’s and Doctoral degrees. Another 31% have Bachelor’s degrees.
  • Over 56% of you have an annual household income of over $70,000 and a whole third bring in six figures.
  • One third work in the political arena (maybe the same third as the last bullet).
  • A slight majority, 42% identified as Republican while 39 percent said Democrat. Of the remaining 17 percent, nearly half is Independent, like Ladra.
  • While less than 10 percent speak mostly Spanish at work, 32% prefer español en la casa.

Another interesting insight is that not all of you loyal readers love me. Most of you had nothing but good things to say in the comments section. Thank you for all your support. But some of you who participated are obviously haters. One said  I am “in danger of having the journalist relevance of Marta Flores. Pay for play,” because I withdraw my support “if slighted.” Ouch. While I don’t think that is exactly true, I realize what you are saying and will try to be more explanatory in my reasoning when I ditch somebody, which is never personal. My skin has gotten pretty thick.

And it is not pay for play. Everyone knows that and I guess time will just have to tell.

Among some of the very good suggestions was to get advertising so I could do this full time. That’s what the survey is about, people — creating a thumbnail demographic of my audience so that advertisers are attracted. And apparently, you are a coveted audience. (Contact me if interested for more information on our introductory offer so you can get in on the ground floor.)

Other good suggestions that Ladra wagged her tail at. One person mentioned that I should offer some politicians the chance to be guest columnist and debate issues with me. I love that idea. Another said that I could also publish like-minded bloggers and Ladra is thinking about finding a way to collaborate more with several local bloggers I respect. A few of you said to use “more on that later” less — especially if I don’t come back to it later (you have to look in subsequent posts, that’s what it means).

You want more updates and follow ups. Check.

You want more original photos. “Get a better camera,” one person said. Check.

You want more Miami-Dade County stories. “Hialeah doesn’t deserve your time.” Check.

You want more small municipalities covered. “We have plenty of weirdness, too. Heck, we got coladas here,” one person wrote. Check.

You want more Political Cortadito polls. Check.

You want more Political Cortadito. Period.

And you will get more.

Ladra is encouraged by the responses to the first-ever reader survey and glad that so many of you decided to let me know how I’m doing — and what I could do better.  Remember, it is not too late to participate. Have your voice heard. Click on the survey box on this page.

And then stay tuned and watch your suggestions come to fruition.