Former President Bill Clinton stopped by Miami Beach Monday to support millionaire candidate Philip Levine for mayor.
So says former State Rep. turned lawyer to the pols J.C. Planas, Levine’s attorney and campaign attack dog.
Planas posted a selfie he took of himself standing next to Clinton on facebook from “near Fisher Island” about 1 p.m. Monday, all giddy looking.
It actually looks like he held his phone as he walked by the prez, then leaned into the guy and mugged for the flash.
The devout Republican defended his photo opp fervently, though judging by the comments of support, he didn’t have to.
“Doesn’t matter what party you belong to, it is always cool to meet a former President,” Planas wrote, then added. “As a Republican, I love my Country and will shake hands with, and be proud to meet any of is leaders. Best part about today, however, was that President Clinton was here today to support Philip Levine for Mayor of Miami Beach.”
Thus the big ear-to-ear smile.
Apparently it was at a private event at Levine’s office, according to another person who was invited but didn’t go.
But if Levine’s people are going to get a big shot like Clinton to support him why would they make it so private? I mean, here is a former president who is so liked across America that he served as Barack Obama’s favorite surrogate last year on the campaign trail. Here is a Democrat so revered that even devout Republicans are willing to post pictures of themselves with him on facebook.

Political consultant Christian Ulvert posted one of him and Clinton, too — but he’s a flaming Democrat, even having served as communications director of the House Democratic Party from 2006 to 2008.
And moments after I first published this blog post, the campaign sent out an email touting the Clinton “endorsement,” which I put in quotes because since they don’t speak to me, we don’t know how much it cost them.
President Clinton spoke at a luncheon, which campaign staffers said was “held to rally many of Philip Levine’s supporters at the campaign headquarters.” Clinton spoke about the millionaire’s grass-roots efforts but said nothing about how Levine might end up spending more dollars per vote than any Beach candidate in the city’s history.
“Philip walked door-to-door and knocked on over 4,000 doors because he wanted a direct relationship with the people, he wanted to listen, to learn and to sell himself. I really think that this is an important election, not just for the people of Miami Beach, but for sending a signal of what kind of politics we need in America,” Clinton said.
Really? Really? We need the kind of politics where candidates buy their election? I know the endorsements are supposed to work the other way around, but this changes my opinion of President Clinton quite a bit.
Levine, naturally, had nothing but kind words for the president.
“To say that I am honored to receive President Clinton’s endorsement of my candidacy is an understatement,” Levine said in a released statement (he won’t talk to me either and walked away from me at an event, but more on that later). “The correct adjectives are difficult to express, but this is a serious matter and I intend to be a Mayor that the residents will be proud of, as well as my friend President Clinton.”

Well, maybe if they’re “friends,” this wasn’t part of Clinton’s circuit and it didn’t cost Levine a pretty penny. Because, otherwise, the former president is one of the most lucrative public speakers around, making $10.7 million for 52 paid engagements in 2009 and $13.4 million in 2011. Of course, 2012 was his biggest year. Clinton has made $89 million from paid speeches since leaving the White House in January 2001, according to CNN.
Gotta wonder if and how much Levine paid for him to stop by Miami Beach on his way to Orlando where he will speak to a conference of pharmacists this week. Gotta wonder if it will show up on Levine’s campaign report or the campaign reports of any of his PACs.
But las malas lenguas say that the event was private so they could sell tickets: Basically you got an invite to rub shoulders with the prez if you contributed to Levine’s PAC. The more you give, the more access you get.
Sounds like a possible preview of the Levine administration if he wins (more on that later).
Besides, Commissioner Michael Gongora, who is also running for mayor, has his own picture with the prez, proudly posted on facebook. And he got one first.
And he probably didn’t pay for it.
Watch out for the dueling Bill Clinton photos coming soon to a mailbox near you.