Talk about los pajaros tirandole a la escopeta.

An investigation instigated by Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez‘ chief goon against the former city mayor has been closed out after investigators said the complaint by Glenn Rice had no merit.
Well, what keen investigative powers. Ladra could have told them that.
And what a waste of time. Because what they should have been doing is investigating Rice’s motives and his systematic harassment of anyone who criticizes Hernandez, which is apparently done on the mayor’s behalf. All they have to do is pull Rice’s phone records and they will see. Maybe they should seize the hours upon hours of video he has taken of city employees who were against Hernandez at the last election or even Ladra herself.
I mean, isn’t it curious that investigators never even spoke to former Mayor Raul Martinez, who was confronted earlier this month by Rice and his cellphone camera as he had breakfast with a New Times reporter at Maruch Restaurant.

Yes! That’s right! The state attorney’s office was pulled into this bogus prank! The public corruption case, no less! You know, because they don’t have any real crime to investigate.
Martinez told Ladra that nobody called him to take his statement. He said both he and his attorney had called the officer in charge, a Detective Salazar, at least three times each. “We left messages. They never called us back,” Martinez said.
“I called the commander who showed up at the scene, Oscar Amago. He said he knew nothing about it,” he added.
Oh, you bet they know something about it. That’s because the Hialeah Police Department also works in cahoots with the mayor, as you can tell from this video, where they responded to City Hall after the mayor’s lackey, Arnie Alonso, called 911 to report a group of reporters and activists seeking public records.
“Could you have an officer come over here as to the mayor’s request to be able to get some people inside the department forming some issues, please? It’s in the third floor in the city clerk’s office,” Arnie Alonso is heard, actually making a false police report since the people he refers to were not making any issues, simply asking for public records.
“They are filming inside the department and they are not allowed,” he said, which is also false because you can photograph and film inside a public building. In fact, hasn’t Rice filmed people at City Hall during council meetings?
Police responded to “several people recording on the third floor refusing to leave.” But I do not remember them being asked to leave at any time. More lies from Alonso, the professional liar.
On the dispatch tape, you also hear someone asking to “make sure three units and a supervisor go.” Three units and a supervisor? For a group of people peacefully seeking public records from the city’s official record keeper?
How is it possible that this is not being investigated?
Oh, that’s right. Because the Hialeah Police Department does not investigate wrongdoings by the mayor’s office and his lackeys. And, apparently, neither does the state attorney.
It’s time to collect some of our evidence and put our heads together and take this to the newly-beefed up FBI public corruption unit as something they need to look into.