More strangeness out of Tuesday’s election results revolve around the state house race in district 103, where the favored candidate with the name recognition was beaten almost too handily by the hand-picked puppet of the Hialeah hoodlum machinery tainted by the absentee ballot scandal.

Ladra is looking at the lopsided results of the 103 race when compared to the numbers in the election of the county Republican committee man, where Miami-Dade School Board Member and former State Rep. Renier Diaz de la Portilla handily beat school administrator Manny Diaz, Jr., the Hiaeah caucus’ hand-picked do boy for the job. Diaz de la Portilla, actually, very handily beat out eight other candidates — including State Rep. Frank Artiles and School Board Member Carlos Curbelo — to be the party’s Miami-Dade male representative.
Baby DLP got a whopping 36 percent and the second highest vote-getter on the county-wide choice was Diaz, Jr. — with 22 percent.
That’s a stunning disparity to the 55-39% margin that Diaz, Jr., won the house race with in a district mostly comprised of the neighborhoods where the AB scandal was centered and represented by the Ballot Bandidos electeds who endorsed him: State Reps. Jose Oliva and Eddy Gonzalez, State Sen. Rene Garcia and Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban “Stevie El Bobo” Bovo, who had his secretary stash 164 ballots he received from Sergio “El Tio” Robaina, the uncle of former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina, whose AB performance went from 3,000-some votes when he was first elected to 9,000-some the last time he had a city election.
One has to wonder if maybe Anamary Pedrosa actually received more ballots — some that they figured out went to Baby DLP — that never made it to the post office. That’s another known tactic: Not only do you get more ABs for your candidate, you “lose” the ones for the challenger.
Even member s of the Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez campaign say the AB fraud scandal is about the 103 race — where Golden Boy just happened to get a gob of support from he same Ballot Bandidos.

Anyway, the widely disparate results are reason enough to throw yet more doubt and question into the AB operations that apparently plagued Hialeah, where the votes are obviously controlled by those who supported Diaz in the house seat. But, since Diaz not only won in ABs but in early voting and Election Day as well, it may be a sign that we need to look at other tactics used by the boleteras and boleteros of those areas, particularly since Diaz did not do so well countywide. Authorities need to look at the voting patterns of the clients of the Leon and Pasteur medical centers, who are often brought to the precincts in vans and given slate cards and pastelitos and told to vote a certain way if they want to elect someone who will maintain their benefits. They need to talk to the dozens or hundreds of small town employees that live and vote where they work — and who may have been coerced into supporting the candidate the mayor endorsed. They need to look at the voting patterns of ALF residents bussed in diapers to the precincts by boleteras like Deisy Cabrera who then proceed to fill out their ballots for them, like she did last November. Ladra and other media were there and got it on tape. This photo was taken when she brought a bunch from an ALF to vote — in a bus paid for by Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez. Authorities need to be looking beyond the absentee voting and at public housing residents who were taken to the precincts to vote for a slate they were drilled about.
It shouldn’t be hard since it’s concentrated in one area where they are controlling these votes.
Since they could not control it at a countywide level.