The lawsuit against Sasha Tirador and the employee she is paying to run against a political enemy — now why didn’t I think of that — is getting more serious with a request before a judge now to remove a candidate from the ballot.
And the hearing is set for Thursday afternoon before Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Jerald Bagley.

Former State Rep. J.C. Planas, who is representing another legislator as an attorney, amended a lawsuit Monday that he filed last week to add a name among the defendants: Maykel “Not Really Miguel” Balboa, who was obviously pit against Rep. Eddy “Here Comes Hialeah” Gonzalez (R-111) by his boss, none other than Absentee Ballot Queen Sasha Tirador, who really needs a new nickname now that she is getting beat at her old game and has taken on other tactics full time.
Planas wants Balboa removed from the ballot and the state to dissolve the Citizens for a Reality Check PAC, which Tirador has used for several of her tainted elections.
The former legislator has been looking for Balboa to serve him with the court documents for days. Balboa is not at his house. Nor has he been at Tirador’s home, nor at the early voting site in Hialeah, where two of his campaign workers have been pacing every day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. He took video of the encounter. Ladra tried to take video of him taking video of them but is technically challenged, as everyone knows, and had a malfunction. Hopefully, we’ll have the Planas video uploaded on YouTube shortly.
One of the poll workers said he was not paid. He would not give Ladra his name but who the other poll worker called “Angel,” said he never met Balboa but liked what he read about him and volunteered. Angel also declined to tell me what he did for a living when not out campaigning for free for people he didn’t know.
In the complaint, Planas explains that Balboa — whose sole employer is Tirador’s consulting company, G&R Strategies — has not filed a campaign finance report since July 6, 2012 and that one showed he had about $250 left in his account after paying qualification fees. And yet the candidate has signs and palm cards, mailers, t-shirts and poll workers walking around listening to their ipods.
“There is no way one could do this without receiving and spending illegal money. Accordingly, he must be removed as a candidate,” Planas says.
The state department website shows that Balboa did finally file his finance report — more than a week late — which has another $8,250 raised. That includes at least $1,000 from Al Sotero and his wife, who are helping Tirador run the campaign for County Commission candidate and Miami-Dade cop Manny Machado, as well as Machado himself and his wife or relative with the same name at the same address. For Tirador, it’s all in the family. You give to this candidate, that candidate gives to your PAC. It’s money laundering at a political pace.
Maybe he also got some “soft money” from the $50,000 that Ileana Abay — Tirador’s mother, who she pitted in another state race, this time against Rep. Jose Oliva (R-110) — loaned herself and then took it back out again. Except that in Abad’s financial disclosure, she states no income and does not show any $50,000 in the bank. Where did she get that, hmmmm? I give you one guess. Yep, the hundreds of thousands made by Tirador last year during the rip-off recall election and all the dominos that fell from that.
Planas knows I’ve been trying to put this unethical political scheister out of business and Ladra thanked him for helping. “We’re doing what we can,” he told me.
In addition to trying to get Balboa’s ridiculousness off the ballot, he wants Florida’s Department of State to shut down the Citizens For a Reality Check ECO that Tirador has used to send political advertisements and make robocalls and hide the people who are really paying for her absentee ballot operations. Planas said it is run by her uncle, Nestor Iglesias, who is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit. But Ladra thinks that’s just a name. It’s all her baby.
Her illegitimate lovechild, and you can hear her motherly nurturing voice in the robocall that Planas submitted
Monday as his first piece of evidence.

“Citizens has not only sent aired illegal political advertisements that contained false allegations, but purportedly paid for the robo-call recorded by Tirador containing false allegations about Representative Gonzalez. Both the TV ad and ro-bo call by citizens was orchestrated and paid by G&R strategies which is owned by Tirador and employs Balboa,” Planas said. “Because Balboa’s initial contributions in order to qualify for office were all made by G&R and Tirador and her mother, it also raises the question as to whether Balboa was illegally paid to run for office.
“Because he works for Tirador, however, that is proof positive that Tirador, G&R and Balboa have illegally coordinated the advertisements paid for by Citizens, in violation of the State campaign finance laws.”
Could this be our evasion of taxes for our mafia queen? I don’t care what we get her on, as long as we get her.
Ladra is on to a couple of other schemes this woman is involved in, including paying off a judicial candidate’s consultant so that the wannabe judge moved into another race (more on that later).
But on Tuesday, Planas plans to file an emergency motion for an injunction so the court can freeze Balboa’s campaign and all activity by the Citizens PAC. He got an answer that the case will be heard on Thursday.
“We will also be filing complaints with the Florida Elections Commission against Balboa and Citizens for their lack of transparency, violation of finance laws and the spending of unreported campaign contributions. Additionally, we will be asking the Elections Commission to audit all of Citizen’s activity as we have evidence that they have been paying for all of Balboa’s campaign expenses through G&R.”
Let Ladra know when we can testify.