Kissing the ring at the swearing-in

Kissing the ring at the swearing-in
  • Sumo

The swearing-in ceremony at Hialeah City Hall Friday was more like a circus or a carnival than a solemn, vow-taking induction for a new (same as the old) government body. From the Mariachis to the teary-eyed thank you from Su Alcaldito Carlos Hernandez when he mentioned his financial backer, Roberto Cayon to the three-part harmony from three female judges who swore in Hernandez — more like The Cheetah Girls than the Supremes — to the photo-ops for a cluster of electeds who came out in masse to kiss the ring.

Former State Sen. Rudy Garcia — the third place finisher in the first mayoral race round who later endorsed the man he had heavily maligned for months — waved to the crowd as if from a parade in a valiant effort to stay relevant (more on that later). Also in the audience were Miami-Dade Commissioners Jose “Pepe” Diaz and Rebeca Sosa — whose proposed absentee ballot fraud prevention amendment last month suddenly looks like an opportunistic move for political appearances, since she posed for pics with the guilty parties. She has to know there are concerns about that process in the City of Progress. But, heck, who is she to stand in the way of a good party? Other political hangers on in attendance included Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi and Councilman Cesar Mestre, Hialeah Gardens Mayor Yosiel de la Cruz and Medley Mayor Ramon Rodriguez, Hialeah Chamber of Commerce Chair Mandy Llanes, Hialeah Housing Authority Director (and AB pirate extraordinaire) Julio Ponce, Miami-Dade Property Appraiser Pedro Garcia, Miami-Dade School Board Member Perla Tabares Hantman (District 4), State Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R, District 113) and representatives from the offices of State Reps. Jose Oliva (R, District 110) and Eddy Gonzalez (R, District 102) and State Sen. Rene Garcia (R, District 40), Alina Garcia from the office of U.S. Rep. David Rivera’s office, and a letter of congratulations with a pledge of support for Hernandez from U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R, District 21), who had endorsed su alcaldito some days earlier despite Hernandez backing former Mayor Raul Martinez, who he beat last Tuesday, in the 2008 race for the seat against brother Lincoln Diaz-Balart (who resigned shortly after for “personal” reasons).

It should have been a smorgasbord for a political junkie like Ladra. But I was disgusted by what seemed, instead, like a trough of slop for the political piggies.

Speaking of swine, the most exciting cameo appearance for the pro-alcaldito crowd was former mayor Julio Robaina, who came in through the city clerk’s office and shook a host of hands before he took a lonely spot on the platform next to the dais. “Julio, Julio, Julio,” the crowd chanted, encouraging his run for county mayor in 2012 — as if he needs encouragement. 

But the circus clearly defined su alcaldito as the new ringleader, or king of the Hialeah political hierchy, who just happened to be embracing Robaina as the Mariachis played “El Rey.” While Robaina may have caused a bigger stir, su alcaldito was absolutely cast as the new leading man in the telenovela, As Hialeah Churns. Robainastood back against the dais, pretty much alone. Police Chief Abuser Mark Overton stood close by. Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz –who surprisingly cheek-kissed and hugged archrival Council President Isis “Gavelgirl” Garcia-Martinez,despite some deep mutual disrespect — sat in her regained chair behind Robaina,but wasn’t very chatty with her one-time brother-in-law and politicalmentor/master. In fact, the words she had for the audience that also seemeddirected sort of to him and to sualcalditouna galleta sin mano,or a slap in the face without using hands — was, again (like she is trying toconvince herself), about running her own campaign, independent of any mayoralcandidate.

“And I want to thank former Mayor Julio Robaina and MayorCarlos Hernandez for respecting my decision,” she said, also thanking thecouncil members for accepting her choice “without thinking my decision wasagainst anyone.” But now that she is the odd woman out — the only candidate noton su alcaldito’s Seguro Que Yesslate, and possibly rendered  ineffective — maybe that was more damage control than declaration. “It was a personaldecision. I never made negative comments about anyone here,” she said,sort of begging to be let into the cool group. But give that woman an Academy Award for what was perhaps the best performance ofthe afternoon show as she individually congratulated each of the council members whowon, in effusive enthusiasm. “Congratulations first to Carlos Hernandez, forsuch an excellent victory,” she said, before going down the list. She alsothanked Council Vice President LuisGonzalez and Councilwoman KatherineCue for their support. Gotta hit them all if you want to start buildingyour faction.

Gavelgirl — who kept her gavel and her title atthe last council meeting after she was re-elected — also strutted her stuff,but went in a completely different direction and her act was harder to swallow.”Thanks to all who supported me,” Gavelgirl said. “It was a verydifficult election and it wouldn’t be possible without the friends andsupporters. The best thing about this campaign is that they did it from theheart.” Well, we know that some of them got paid up to $100 a day. Shethanked her family and — after the crowd sang Happy Birthday to her mom — shedid some ring-kissing of her own. “I have had the opportunity to work withmany leaders in this community,” Gavelgirl said, naming former Senators Rudy and Rene Garcia, Commissioner Bovo and State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez.”But there is one person who showed me what higher office is, and that isMr. and Mayor Julio Robaina. It’s important to recognize his work here. We mustrecognize the pride we have in the work of Julio Robaina,” she said takingthe alcaldito’s favorite word for herown.
Alas, while the ring is kissed on King Alcaldito’s finger,he got busy kissing someone else’s you-know-what. Before he thanked Robaina andbefore he thanked Roberto Cayon –a  main contributor to his campaign — and before he thanked Rudy Garcia or Robaina or Mestre, Hernandez made a point of kissing up to AB Fraud Queen Sasha Tirador. She was the very firstperson he thanked. And rightfully so, since he likely owes his re-election to her questionable AB and get-out-the-vote tactics. He introduced her as “a grand partof the reason I am here today,” in an uncharacteristic moment of honesty. “I respect and love her so much. My friend, SashaTirador.” But he didn’t break into tears (that came when he began tomention Cayon and Councilman CesarMestre, a fellow former Hialeah cop). But while she may not get tears, Tirador gotVIP treatment. Ladra hadn’t realized until then, when she rose halfway to theaudience applause, that the AB fraud specialist was sitting on the platform,behind the council’s dais, as if she owns the place. Well, maybe she does.She’s put everyone in office there. Again and again. Back there, alongside Tirador –which can be translated into the “thrower” as in throwing a race — wereAlex Martinez, Gavelgirl’s poorwife, and Felix Lasarte, the city’smain lobbyist and boss to Councilman Paul”Huh?” Hernandez, who has to recuse himself from multipleimportant votes because LaSarte’s firm has one or another thing to do with it.
Thethree of them seemed to have supporting roles that are much more important than the other council members who were sworn in at the grande finale of this dramatic electoral farse. But the telenovela plays on — and Ladra can’t wait for the next episode.