There’s a little controversy brewing in Hialeah over county mayoral candidate Julio Robaina, the City of Progress’s former mayor, and it has nothing do to with loans or real estate or maquinitas. It’s all about a photo of some pre-school kids holding up pro-Julio signs that has made rounds on email and facebook, distributed by Robaina critics who compare him to Fidel Castro and Adolf Hitler.
“These are the type
of tactics communist leaders use in the third world countries to secure their power, starting with brainwashing children at a young age,” said Eric Johnson, a Hialeah firefighter and vice president of the union that battled with Robaina until his last day May 23.

Those are good campaign buzz words, mi hermano, but what we really got here is maybe a little I-scratch-your-political-back-and-you-scratch-mine. Dr. Eileen Fluney, who owns the Paradise Christian School & Development Center at 6184 West 21st Ct., may have political aspirations. A facebook page has her as a “politician” running for office in 2012 — without saying which office. Which is kind of strange. “I’m running for an office, somewhere,” is not a common campaign sloglan. We know it couldn’t be a Hialeah council seat. The 1978 Rodriguez Villareal Private School in Hialeah grad told Ladra that she moved to Miramar about a year ago. The page w
as started by friends who wanted her to run for U.S. Congress in District 21 and that she considered it before she became a grandmother to twins last year. “Now I’m just a grandma.”

Who’s seat is it? “I’m not sure,” she said. (Republican Mario Diaz-Balart for anyone curious). Actually, she had originally said it was in District 13, but she was confused with the county commission race, she told me later. Was she going to run for that seat? No. Maybe. But she thinks she is in District 12, she said.
Actually, Dr. Flunky, you live in Miramar. You cannot run for any district office in Miami-Dade County. And you should not run for office in the U.S. Congress or anywhere if you don’t know who currently holds that seat.
Fluney, who serves on Hialeah’s city education advisory council, said the photo was taken a few weeks ago before the May 24 election by parents who all support Robaina. She can’t take them herself. The non-profit is prohibited by federal law from endorsing a candidate and she could lose the federal funding she gets for her $3 million annual budget to run her two schools (one is in Doral). She knows this. So she said it several times several different ways: “The parents themselves do this, run the campaign management here,” she said. Campaign management? Okay, whatever. And all the parents? There is not one single parent of a student there who supports the other candidate, Carlos Gimenez? “No. They all support Robaina,” Fluney said. “They are bringing the signs and shooting the photos. I cannot. The families themselves are the ones who coordinated the campaign and supported Mayor Robaina.
“Personally, of course, I support him completely,” she added.
Of course.