Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid believes the American Dream mega mall have a bigger impact on his town than anywhere else. And, so, he thinks they should be compensated.
Cid wrote a letter last month to Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and Chairman Esteban Bovo stating his desire to have not only 100 percent of the impact fees spent in Northwest Dade but also a recurring amount of tax dollars to be funneled to Miami Lakes.
“As you are already aware, our community is concerned and is monitoring the progress of the proposed American Dream Miami project. We are anxiously awaiting the agreement between MDC planners and the mall’s developers that will outline a proposal to address the traffic impact.
What is abundantly clear is that Miami-Dade County will receive millions of dollars in impact fees and millions of dollars on a recurring basis once the mall is open. My request is to have 100% of all the impact fees stay in Northwest Miami-Dade County, both in the incorporated and unincorporated areas, to
alleviate the impact on our roads and public services. Additionally, to assist us in dealing with the day-to-day traffic impact, Miami Lakes should receive a percentage of all recurring revenue on a yearly basis to fund our strategic transportation initiatives, which will hopefully alleviate the mall’s impact for Miami Lakers (attached you will find our transportations initiatives list with a cost as of July 2016).
As elected officials, we represent the people’s interests. Ensuring that we get the best deal possible for our residents is paramount. I look forward to working with you both on this very imporant issue for Miami Lakers.”
In other words, is Miami Lakes for sale? Because what Ladra is hearing is that they would oppose this development unless they get a piece of the American Dream pie.
Ladra expects Cid to be at the meeting Wednesday when county commissioners consider changes to the Comprehensive Devlopment Master Plan, the first of many applications to amend land use and zoning requirements in the way of the megamall’s development.
Read related story: American Dream megamall seeks first county approval
Once open, the American Dream megamall would provide close to $35 million a year in property and sales taxes. The Miami Lakes wishlist of transportation projects cost about $12 million. But the key word here is recurring and Ladra is sure that Cid and his colleagues in Miami Lakes can find other projects that they “need” to mitigate whatever impact the megamall has.
Cid has talked about a 15% size piece of the pie, though he has said it should be proportional to the impact on the town.
But if they get a piece, won’t Hialeah wan’t one? Hialeah Gardens? Ladra is sure they have wish lists of their own. How about Broward?
How many pieces does the pie have?