Debate watch parties: Obama wins by more than 2 to 1

Debate watch parties: Obama wins by more than 2 to 1
  • Sumo

If debate watch parties voted, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney would be in trouble.

Ladra has already seven invitations for different events Wednesday. But five of them are hosted by Democrats supporting President Barack Obama.

“You are on the wrong mailing lists,” joked my friend, Republican Superwoman and former Congressional candidate Marili Cancio, who lost to U.S. Rep. King David “Nine Lives” Rivera in 2010 and I bet a bunch of people are doing the V8 slap on their forehead about that now. In fact, Cancio’s name keeps coming up as a potential replacement for Rivera either in the race, should he step down, which is unlikely or after the election, should he step down and be removed, which is just a little less unlikely, unless there are charges or an indictment. So does State Sen. Anitere Flores and, according to the Miami Herald, Jebby Bush, the son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, which is almost laughable. (More on that later.)

But, honestly, while I love my favorite GOP girl, there are literally hundreds of Obama watch parties across the 305 planned not only by what I call ardent Obamistas, but also by the campaign machinery. From a rented VIP screening room with high definition screen and luxury stadium seating in Coconut Grove to private homes in Pinecrest and Sweetwater to Bowling for Barack at Miami Beach’s Lucky Strike with former Miami heat star Alonzo Mourning — the Dems have many more events, it seems, than local Republicans. In fact, I only know of three — the two I was invited to (late, as in “Oh, we better do something!”) and another one at the home of a prominent Pinecrest dentist.

Local Republican clubs got together and planned a last minute gathering at The Globe in Coral Gables, inviting several of their favorite GOP politicos, too. Among those that have already indicated that they are going are Cancio, Miami-Dade Republican Party Executive Director Yulexis Argota, Hialeah-Miami Lakes Republican Club founder Joseph Sosa, local party activist Mercy Sabina — who has a prime spot on a Mitt Romney TV commercial (more on that later), which means her sidekick and fellow activist Adelaida Rosario will be there, too. If you want to warm up for the debate with a little phone banking, get there an hour early at 7:30 p.m.

Sorry ladies, you know I love you, but you GOP guys gotta get yourselves a basketball hero. Maybe a musician?

Okay, so perhaps Romney is not known to be as good a speaker as the POTUS, but this lack of brouhaha around their boy just doesn’t look good for the local Republicans. It’s like many of them have given up already. Ladra has spoken to some local red-voting leaders and some admit they have. They’ve predicted an Obama win, already.

Not all of them. The Republican Party of Florida reached out to Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell so she would host an event and her husband’s Redland Hotel, Five S. Flagler Avenue, in Homstead. The invitation to the event is paid for by Romney For President and the RSVP is to the RPOF.

The RSVP for the shindig at the Pinecrest home of Dr. Claudio Miro. “Join invited elected officials, VIPs, volunteers, and the Team Florida staff,” the invite reads.

The Democrats of South Dade Club have organized a watch party at the Sports Grill in Kendall, 9090 SW 97 Ave. Eat some wings while you watch the White House dash.

I wish I could multiply myself, like with that spell in the Wizards of Waverly Place (what can I say? I have a 12-year-old) and go to three or four events. Five even. I could get Alonzo’s autograph for the aformentioned 12-year-old. And while I hope to swing by the Redland Hotel or The Globe event to hear the local reaction to the presidential banter Ladra already RSVPed to the Bendixen & Amandi affair.

I’ve said I’ll try to swing by afterward, but the B&A bash could go beyond their bedtime.

The Democratic pollsters and campaign consultants seem to have the best party planned so far, having rented out the VIP screening room at the Paragon 13 Theaters at Cocowalk in Coconut Grove for a gathering with 100 of their closest friends — no matter how they lean.

That’s right, it’s a bipartisan debate watch party. Or aims to be. Come one, come all.

“Since 2008, Bendixen & Amandi has had the privilege of working for President Barack Obama and we are pleased to again be a part of Obama for America 2012, providing research, messaging and media production focused on the potentially decisive Hispanic vote across the country,” the invite reads.

“… and while we may be biased, we would love to have our Democratic AND Republican friends join us for what promises to be an historic evening. If you are not in Denver, then the next best thing is to be at Paragon Grove 13 with us!”

Because seating is limited, the event is capped to the first 100 people who RSVP by Monday. I did already. I want to see the fireworks not only on the 100-foot, high-definition screen, but perhaps inside the VIP screening room. Or any live, on-the-spot debates that may ensue.

Fernand Amandi, one of the partners at the firm, said I may have just slid in. They have gotten so many responses that they are considering renting a second space or a larger space for the event. “There’s a lot of enthusiasm for the debates and a lot of interest,” he told me this weekend.

Of course there is. The debates give both candidates their next big chance to make a national splash after the political conventions in August and September. They could help swing the purples. They could help turn the undecideds.

“We decided we should do this because we know a lot of people who are involved in politics locally and thought it would be good to bring them together in one space,” Amandi said.

And while the guest list so far is about 90 percent Democrat, Ladra heard there are some high-profile local Republicans who may go — if they don’t get to Colorado.

B&A will likely not, however, have the post-debate, live-stream chat with Vice President Joe Biden that will be seen after the Denver match at the 3,200 or so planned Obama for America parties around the country.

“We’re trying to be welcoming to our Republicans friends, and I think that would be too much,” Amandi said.

If you want to see Biden, you could go to the Pinecrest home of Jeffery Callahan to which I got another email invitation. But this was more of a mass email invite.

“Be the first to hear his reaction,” says a watch party invitation from Jen O’Malley Dillon, deputy campaign director for Obama for America.

“I gotta be honest: I love the presidential debates. Part of it’s the competitive person in me — I know Mitt Romney’s been practicing for this moment for months, so I can’t wait to cheer our guy on,” O’Malley continued. “But most of all, I love getting together with my friends and fellow supporters to get energized for the last big push before November 6th.

“Something tells me you might be a debate fan, too.”

Ya think? Where did she get that idea?

“If you are, you should know that one of your neighbors in Miami is holding a watch party for the first debate on Wednesday, October 3rd. You should drop by and watch.

But that is only one of more than 50 Obama watch parties that came up when I entered my zip code in the field on this website. There must be hundreds across the 305 and I spotted some from Sweetwater to Coral Gables to Miami Beach. And the campaign has openly admitted that the watch parties double as “get-out-the-vote” tools, so there might be more added by Wednesday.

Still, if you would rather hang out with Alonzo Mourning than with the VP-via-satellite, then head to the watch party at Lucky Strike in Miami Beach, hosted by the Obama Victory Fund.”We only have 38 days to go until election and its DEBATE TIME,” the invite on facebook reads.

“We have a great night planned full of bowling and we will also watch President Obama square off with Governor Romney for the first of three debates. This will be a great opportunity to show your support to President Obama!”

But, if you know Ladra, you know I will have one eye on the debate and another on the crowd.

Are you ready for some football?